Fairman |
George |
1/1st London Regt. |
21/3/1918. |
Farr |
Francis Harry |
14 (Service) Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regt. |
Figg |
Arthur William |
Royal Warwickshire Regiment (T.F) |
3/9/1916 |
Flint |
T |
6/6/1917 |
Ford |
Ernest |
14 (Service) Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regt. |
3/9/1916 |
Foreman |
Alexander William |
1st/5th Kings Liverpool Regiment (T.F) |
30/4/1918 |
Foster |
Robert Glover |
Royal Naval Division. |
13/12/1917 |
Fox |
Archibold E. Jim |
3rd Essex Regiment |
Freeman |
George Mathew |
1/7 Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (T.F) |
22/8/1917 |
Freestone |
Fred |
1st Bat. Royal Berkshire Regiment |
Friston |
Stanley Larter |
1st Battalion Bedford Regiment |
4/10/1917 |
Frost |
Frederick Garnett |
2nd London Regiment ( Queens county of London's.) |
21/3/1918 |
Frost |
William Edward |
2nd London Regiment ( Queens county of London's.) |
25/4/1918 |
Fuller |
Walter George |
1/7 Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (T.F) |
27/8/1917 |
Furnell |
Harris William |
1st Battalion Bedford Regiment |
Garner |
George |
1st Bat. Royal Berkshire Regiment |
Garton |
Arthur Wyman |
1st Bat. Royal Berkshire Regiment |
Gaunt |
Cyril Prior |
1st Battalion Bedford Regiment |
23/4/1917 |
Gaunt |
Harold Ernest Prior |
5th Bat. Oxford and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry |
Gee |
John |
1/7 Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (T.F) |
Gent |
Frank William |
2nd Bat. Dorset Regiment |
George |
Edward Archie |
1/5th Royal Warwickshire Regiment (T.F) |
9/8/1917 |
George |
John William |
14 (Service) Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regt. |
3/9/1916 |
Giddings |
Wilfred James Frank |
1st (City of London) Bat. London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) |
21/3/1918 |
Gilbert |
James |
Royal Fusiliers or Machine Gun Corps. 36 Machine Gun Corps. Inft.. |
9/11/1917 |
Glenn |
Percy Talbot |
1/7 Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (T.F) |
22/8/1917 |
Goakes |
Albert |
1/7 Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (T.F) |
Goodfellow |
Arthur |
Gorham |
William |
1st (City of London) Bat. London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) |
18/4/1918 |
Goulty |
Harold Frederick (Frank) |
Machine Gun Corps. |
Gowler |
Fred |
Army Cyclist Corps. |
yes |
Gowler |
Thomas (Jnr.) |
Machine Gun Corps. [inft.] |
25/4/1917 |
Gray |
Ernest William |
1/7 Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (T.F) |
28/8/1916 |
Greenaway |
Charles J. |
1st Battalion Bedford Regiment |
Greenwood |
Frank |
14 (Service) Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regt. |
Griffiths |
Charles Victor Paris |
Machine Gun Corps. [Inft.] 'B' co 5th Bat. |
Grimwood |
Frank John |
12th North Staffs. |
Grove |
John William |
Royal Berkshire Regiment. |
Guest |
John William |
Machine Gun Corps. [Inft.] |
7/10/1917 |
Hales |
Burrus James |
1st Royal Berkshire Regiment |
3/5/1917 |
Hagan |
Marshall James |
1st Battalion Bedford Regiment |
23 /4/1917 |
Hall |
Albert Walter |
1/7 Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (T.F) |
11/11/1916 |
Hamment |
James |
Hammond |
Basil Martin |
14 (Service) Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regt. |
25/12/1916 |
Hankins |
A. J |
Hankins |
Thomas William |
Machine Gun Corps. [Inft.] |
Hardwick |
James |
1st Battalion Bedford Regiment |
4/9/1916 |
Harper |
Charles Edward |
10th (Service) Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regt. |
9/5/1917 |
Harper |
Charles Golding |
1st Battalion Bedford Regiment |
5/9/1916 |
Harper |
George W. [William]? |
Royal Warwickshire Regiment (T.F) |
7/10/1916 |
Harradine |
Percival George |
Machine Gun Corps [inft.] 36 co. 12th Division |
7/9/1916 |
Harrison |
Benjamin J. |
1st Bat. Royal Berkshire Regiment |
5/10/1916 |
Hart |
Richard |
1st Battalion Bedford Regiment |
4/9/1916 |
Hart |
William |
5th Ox and Bucks. LI. |
16/10/1917 |
Hatton |
Ernest |
1st Royal Berkshire Regiment. |
31/7/1917 |
Haynes |
George Ernest |
4th (City of London) Bat. London Regt. (Royal Fusiliers) |
</8/1916 |
Haynes *M. M.* |
John William |
14 (Service) Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regt. |
14/4/1918 |
Hazelton |
Frederick Ebenezer |
1st Battalion Bedford Regiment |
23 /4/1917 |
Hearn |
Harry |
14 (Service) Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regt. |
7/5/1917 |
Heath |
Norman Alfred |
1st (City of London) Bat. London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) |
27/8/1918 |
Heathcote |
Herbert Harold |
14 (Service) Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regt. |
24/9/1916 |
Henson |
Fred |
Machine Gun Corps. [Inft.] |
Herrald |
Jasper |
1st Battalion Bedford Regiment |
19/3/1919 |
Heselden |
Harold William |
1st Battalion Bedford Regiment |
Hewson |
Ernest Singleton |
14 (Service) Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regt. |
3/9/1916 |
Hicks |
4/9/1916? |
High |
Gilbert Cecil |
2/6th (Territorial Cyclists) Norfolk Regt.
& 2/5th KOYLI. |
14/3/1917 |
Hill |
Frederick |
1/7 Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (T.F) |
19/8/1916 |
Hill |
Henry Sidney |
1st Battalion Bedford Regiment |
3/9/1916 |
Hill |
Horace Walter |
6th Royal Berkshire Regiment. |
-/9/1918 |
Hills |
George Norris |
1st/5th Kings Liverpool Regiment (T.F) |
30/4/1918 |
Hills |
Herbert |
11th bat. Suffolk Regt. |
26/8/1917 |
Hillson |
William Mark |
2nd Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regiment |
9/10/1917 |
Hinch |
Jesse A |
Hindes |
Henry |
A.S.C Seige Battery.? ref 195/10. |
9/10/1917 |
Hinton |
Jack Desmond |
1st/5th West Yorks |
25/4/1918 |
Hitch |
Walter |
1/7 Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (T.F) |
21/8/1916 |
Hobbs |
John |
Army Cyclist Corps. |
Hobbs |
Tom |
1/7 Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (T.F) |
28/8/1916 |
Hockey |
Alfred Percival |
6th Northamptons |
9/6/1918 |
Holley |
Percy John |
1/8 Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (T.F) |
27/08/16 |
Holmes |
George William |
Machine Gun Corps. 55th Bat. |
9/4/1918 |
Holyoak |
Frank |
< 30/10/1917 |
Hood |
John William |
1st Battalion Bedford Regiment. |
Hook |
Horace Frederick |
1/8 Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (T.F) |
27/08/1916 |
Hopkins |
Frederick Head |
14 (Service) Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regt. |
Hopkins |
Lawrence Hilton |
7/10/1918 |
Hotson |
Lionel Flaxman |
1/8 Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (T.F) |
27/8/1916 |
Hounsham |
Walter George |
1/8 Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (T.F) |
27/08/16 |
Howell |
James Temple |
1st Battalion Bedford Regiment |
23/4/1917 |
Howes |
Ernest Edward |
Huntingdonshire Cyclist Battalion only |
Howes (M.M.) |
Robert Victor |
1/8 Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (T.F) |
30/6/1918 |
Hubbard |
Harry |
1st Battalion Bedford Regiment |
20/7/1918 |
Hubbard |
Henry N. |
2nd Bedfordshire Regiment |
Hughes |
Albert William |
1st Bat. Northamptonshire Regiment |
25/9/1915 |
Hughes |
Harry David |
Royal Naval Division - 63rd - Hawke
Battn. |
27/3/1918 |
Hughes |
Isaac Reginald |
1st Battalion Bedford Regiment |
Hughes |
John Henry |
1st Royal Warwickshire Regiment (T.F) |
Hulme |
Harry Jackson |
1/8 Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (T.F) |
27/08/1916 |
Humphrey |
Alfred G |
Royal Warwickshire Regiment (T.F) |
Humphreys |
William P |
2/7 Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (T.F) |
Hurry |
George William |
1/5 Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regt. 1st Birmingham |
25/2/1917 |
Ingle |
David Victor [Virton] |
14 (Service) Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regt. |
25/6/1917 |
Ingrey |
Thomas Herbert |
4th Battalion Bedford Regiment |
27/9/1918 |
Ireland |
David L |
2/6 Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (T.F) |
19/7/1916 |
Ireland |
Ebenezer William |
1st (City of London) Bat. London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) |
24/4/1918 |
Irons |
Sidney |
1st Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regiment |
11/4/1917 |
Isley |
Ernest |
Army Service Corps. |
gassed |
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