The Ramsey War Memorial, Cambridgeshire.
The information in this section was kindly provided by Joan Whitwell, of Upwood, who has painstakingly researched the men of both world wars that are recorded on our local memorial.
'We shall remember them'
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Link to W.W. I names on Ramsey War Memorial. |
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Link to W.W. I Extract of men who went to Ramsey Grammar School. |
Link to W.W. II names on Ramsey War Memorial. |
History of Ramsey War Memorial.
When this project was started a few years ago, the intention was to try to find some details about the local men whose names appear on Ramsey War Memorial, then in Huntingdonshire, now in Cambridgeshire, as well as information about the memorial itself. Although originally erected as a memorial to the men of the parish who lost their lives during World War I, the names of the men who died during the Second War were added. Joan Whitwell 2005.
Hyperlinks lead to HCB men - Service details.
The “Order of Service” programme for the unveiling of the memorial on 28th August 1921, includes a list of the names as inscribed on the memorial, but no official list relating to the men who died during World War II has been found. Other memorials in the area show names that were not included on the memorial at Ramsey. Especially at Pondersbridge, where some of the men named probably came from outside the parish, but others definitely did belong to the Ramsey district, so it was decided to include all of the names from the memorial in this list. Similarly, the Ramsey Grammar School memorial shows names of some ‘old boys’ who did not belong to this parish, but their names too have been included. Local newspapers gave the names of more Ramsey men who died during the two World Wars, who do not appear on any of the local memorials, as well as the names of some who died after the war (s) had ended, but whose deaths were caused by the effects of war. The newspapers also explained why a number of the men died at Papworth Hall, Cambs., towards the end of the war, it was because the ‘Military’ had taken over the sanatorium by September 1917. On 12th November 1971, a Book of Remembrance was placed in the Church of St. Thomas à Becket jointly by the Ramsey Urban District Council and the Ramsey Branch of the Royal British Legion, which gives an incomplete list of the names of the men of the parish who had died during the two wars. Through the years, age and weather had taken their toll on the stone of the monument, and the names of those who died during the two Great Wars, which were inscribed into the stonework, had deteriorated. In 1994, in a joint project by the Ramsey Town Council and the Royal British Legion [Ramsey Section], the memorial was cleaned and restored, and the names were transferred to brass plaques that were fixed to the Portland stone of the memorial. Some extra names were added at this time. A Service of Re-dedication was held on Sunday, 23rd April 1995, when the memorial was unveiled by the Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, J. G. P. CROWDEN, K. St. J; J.P. Will Ramsey get a War Memorial?A public meeting was held at the Abbey Rooms on Thursday, 20th March 1919, to consider what steps should be taken to provide a permanent memorial to the men of the parish who fell in the Great European War and to mark the appreciation of their noble sacrifice, and to decide what form such a memorial should take. Mr. W. A. ROSE occupied the chair, supported by Messrs. E. V. SEWELL, A. BRIDGFOOT, A. N. SWEARER, The Revd. J. R. PAWLEY-SMITH and Mr. F. T. ALLEN (hon. secretary). Several propositions were put before the meeting and a discussion ensued, in which the following took part: Mrs. ALLEN, Messrs. R. F. SERJEANT, F. R. DAVIS, F. GREENWOOD, C. SANDERS, H. BULL, J.C. KIRBY and A. PROUD. Mr. E. V. SEWELL, on behalf of the Discharged & Demobilized Soldiers & Sailors Federation, proposed that the memorial take the form of a public hall or institute, with library, small rooms & other conveniences, and that the names of all those men who had died in action or other cause attributable to the War from August 1914 to the time of the ratification of the Peace Treaty, be inscribed upon the exterior or some other conspicuous place. This was seconded by Capt. PALMER, and carried unanimously. A committee was appointed, and an appeal was to be issued for funds. By December, nothing had been done. The suggestion that had been discussed had failed through lack of funds – it was estimated it would have cost £3,500! It was “wondered” if Lord de RAMSEY might change his mind and give the £1,000 towards a War Memorial instead of towards the Ramsey water scheme! In February 1920, it was decided to send a letter to every householder in Ramsey parish. A house-to-house collection was held almost immediately, when it was hoped that all outlying districts would subscribe, and by the end of March, the Ramsey War Memorial Fund stood at £512.3s.10p. Another meeting of the War Memorial Committee was held, this time in the Parish Room, over which Mr. Edward Venimore SEWELL J.P., presided, and Lord de RAMSEY occupied an armchair on the Chairman’s right. Mr. E. B. BROWN of Barclays Bank was Hon. secretary and treasurer, and it was also Mr. BROWN’s job to ensure that the name of not a single Ramsey man was omitted from the list, and that the name of not a single man who did not belong to Ramsey was included. Other members of the Committee present included: Miss E. NEWTON, Mrs. W. A. ROSE, Messrs. J.C. HOW, W. A. ROSE, A. BRIDGFOOT, A. N. SWEARER, A. RIDLINGTON, R. F. SERJEANT, J. A. WHITTOME, J. CUREDALE, J. POTTS, J. WILLIS, P. S. BENNETT, F. R. DAVIS, A.H. HUDSON and H. PALMER. Mr. Brown announced that the subscriptions and promises to the War Memorial Fund so far amounted to approximately £550. The Chairman said that with reference to the designs which were discussed at the previous committee meeting, it was generally felt that the design embodying the figure of a soldier was the one they liked best. When this was discussed with Lord de RAMSEY, his Lordship put quite a different view upon the matter, and pointed out that that design only embodied one branch of the Services, and they all knew that there were numerous branches which went to make the whole. Lord de RAMSEY had been in touch with Mr. POMEROY, sculptor and designer, of London, and he had no hesitation in recommending the Committee to view the model which Mr. POMEROY would bring down to Ramsey with him. It was suggested for the Committee’s consideration, the idea of an octagonal column with the names of the fallen inscribed in some prominent place, which Mr. POMEROY would indicate. The column would be like Nelson’s Column in Trafalgar Square, with the outstanding figure of our Patron Saint, St. George, killing the Dragon, and let them think that the dragon was a German! An ornamental and unclimbable wrought iron fence would surround the base, with a little gravel path round the statue, and a circle of neatly kept grass inside the railing. His Lordship added that Mr. POMEROY proposed to have the column constructed of Portland stone, and the dragon and St. George to be in gilt bronze. He naturally asked Mr. POMEROY about the gilt, and the sculptor gave it a life of at least 30 years, and it would avoid the green and brown stains that usually came off the figure and marred the stonework, but thought possibly Mr. POMEROY’s idea of the size of the monument would have to be enlarged. Mr. POMEROY begged very hard not to have the names inscribed on the memorial itself. He (his Lordship) was unaware at the time that the letter asking for subscriptions had stated that the names should be on the memorial. That being the case, their word was their bond, and the names would be on the memorial. Mr. POMEROY would be able to come down and meet the Committee early in June. Lord de RAMSEY suggested that they should meet at the Church gates and proceed to inspect the site, which he understood met with general approval, i.e. the Church Green. Mr. R. F. SERJEANT formally proposed that Mr. POMEROY be asked to meet the Committee, as they all felt that this monument which would be in good taste, and one which they could look at for years and years, and not a memorial to which they would look for one day only. Mr. SWEARER seconded, and the motion was carried unanimously. On the motion of the Chairman, and seconded by Mr. RIDLINGTON, Lord de RAMSEY was accorded a hearty vote of thanks for the trouble he had taken with regard to the sculptor. After the final decision was made about what form the memorial should take, the work was completed within fourteen months. At the final meeting of the committee, held in the library of Ramsey Abbey in September 1921, Lord de RAMSEY occupied the chair. Others present were Mrs. SKINNER, Miss E. NEWTON, Mrs. W. A. ROSE, Messrs. E. V. SEWELL, J. CUREDALE, J.C. KIRBY, A.H. PALMER, R. F. SERJEANT, A. N. SWEARER, W. E. BARBER, A. T. FISHER, F. R. DAVIS, A. RIDLINGTON, J. C. HOW, C. CADE, W. A. ROSE, J. WILLIS, H. YEOMANS and E. B. BROWN. The total cost of the memorial amounted to £961.17s.8d, and the treasurer reported that Lord de RAMSEY had paid off the deficit of £85.12s.2d, making a total of £385.18s.2d, which his Lordship had contributed towards the memorial.
RAMSEY & HER HONOURED DEAD. Lord Lieutenant Unveils Ramsey’s War Memorial. ___________ “WE SHALL HEAR THE ‘LAST POST’, BUT ALSO ‘REVEILLE’ ” ___________ LORD DE RAMSEY’S AFFECTING WORDS. In the presence of a very large gathering, the Lord Lieutenant of Hunts. (Mr. Howard Coote), on Sunday afternoon unveiled the memorial, which has been erected on the Church Green at Ramsey, under the shadow of the ancient Abbey Church, to the memory of the 142 officers and men who sacrificed their lives in the Great War, and it may safely be said that never before has such a large concourse of people assembled in the Abbey town. The weather was dull, in keeping with the sadness of the occasion, and dark clouds rolled across the sky, but happily the rain which threatened kept off. The service was of a touching character, and the sadness of the occasion was heightened when the sightless Lord De Ramsey, who was obviously deeply affected, referred to “one who was lying dead there”. But, putting his grief behind him, his Lordship reminded them they had a duty to perform, “and”, (he added), “we will do it!”. The ex-Service men assembled at the arch in the Great Whyte, and headed by the Ramsey Town Silver Prize Band under Bandmaster T. Greenwood marched to the Church Green, where a guard of honour was formed by members of the Ramsey Co. of the 5th Northants. Regiment (Territorial Force), under Capt. and Adjt. Lake, D.S.O. The police were present under Supt. Mayle. The Lord Lieutenant, on arrival, was received with the General Salute. On one side of the memorial was erected a platform, from which the service was conducted, and on the other relatives of the fallen were accommodated. On the platform, in addition to the Lord Lieutenant, were the Rt. Hon. Lord De Ramsey, Lord Michael Guernsey, Lady Guernsey, Countess of Ormonde, the Hon. Miss Diana Fellowes, Mrs. Coote, Col. Chichester (Chief Constable of Hunts.), the Rev. E. Willis (Vicar of Ramsey), the Rev. Reed (Pastor of the Great Whyte Baptist Church), the Rev. H. Bull (Pastor of Salem Chapel, Ramsey), the Rev. R. Hothersall of St. Neots (in the place of the Rev. C.F. Smithwaite, Pastor of St. Ives Wesleyan Church, who is on holiday), the Rev. S. G. [Selafield?], of Peterborough, Major Rowe, Capt. Smythe (representing the Bedfordshire Regt.), Miss Matthews (Lord De Ramsey’s Secretary), and Mr. E. V. Sewell. The proceedings opened with the singing of the hymn, “Fight the good fight”. The Vicar then recited the Memorial of the Dead, and the Lesson, from St. Matthew XVI, 21-27, was read by the Rev. H. Bull. Following the hymn “Ten Thousand Times, Ten Thousand”, the Lord Lieutenant unveiled the memorial. The Unveiling. “I have unveiled this memorial to the Glory of God, and in dear memory of the 142 men of this parish, who gave their lives for their country in the Great War.” said the Lord Lieutenant, after he had released the cord with which the Union Jack was secured around the monument. “My neighbours of the town of Ramsey”, (he continued), “We are met to-day on a great and solemn occasion – I suppose the greatest and most solemn in the whole history of this ancient town. You have raised up this memorial, which I am privileged to have unveiled, for two reasons: In the first place that you desire – we all desire – that a memorial of these dear neighbours of ours to their brave deeds should be commemorated by the outward and visible sign of our inward feelings; and secondly, in the kindly hope that this sign that their memory be not forgotten, may be of some comfort to the relatives who are left behind. Memory is a great healer. She may be full of pain, but she carries with it the everlasting. How true it is that all the little differences, the smaller irritations, the troubles – even the sins of life – are forgotten in the great overshadowing of the Angel of Death, and only the memory of the dear faces, the loving hands, the kindly relationships, which does so much to brighten this too often too sad life of ours, remains.” “Utterly Wrong"“I have noticed that some people are inclined to smile when they hear different things said about the dead to what was said of them when they were living”, proceeded the Lord Lieutenant. “They are wrong, utterly wrong”, he added, warmly. “It is the sure and lasting hope we all have of salvation that our minds turn from trivialities of daily trouble, and raise themselves upon the usual anchor of everlasting hope, that makes this life tolerable to us all. If we, then, know how to have kind memories and sweet thoughts of our departed friends, how much more shall our Heavenly Father have kind thoughts and forgiving memories towards us."“The second, or rather the first idea of the reason of that War Memorial” (he continued), “was that the memory of those men, and of their deeds should be lasting. Now how could they make it so? Was it possible that that great crowd should be assembled there so full of real emotion, and stirring up such a magnificent movement of fellowship on an occasion of that sort, and that no lasting effect would be found in the daily lives of any of them? If such a thing should take place, the war memorial would be a failure, and that service a mockery. How could they honour the dead? They could only do it in their daily lives by changing the attitude which they took up one with the other in daily intercourse. Let them try. He knew it was easy to say, and he knew how hard it was to do.”A Real and Living Thing. “Do let us try,” he added, “to make this service such a real and living thing to us all here that we are more kind to one another on account of the memories of our dear dead, more reasonable in our actions towards our neighbours, more earnest and true in our daily life, and if we will only try to do this, believe me, we shall raise up a memorial to our dead greater and better than stone; more lasting than a monument made by human hands; a memorial springing up in the everlasting souls of the people, which shall affect this town long after succeeding generations have passed away.” “I beseech you all, by the mercy of God” (he concluded) “that you will endeavour so to tune your lives that they may prove a lasting memorial of greatness, and of goodness, and then indeed shall be proved in this town of Ramsey that great ancient saying: ‘We put on righteousness as a garment, and the zeal of the Lord was satisfied’.” Roll of Honour. Mr. Sewell, in asking the Lord Lieutenant’s acceptance of a roll of honour on vellum, containing the names of the men of Ramsey, who laid down their lives, said he thanked them for the very great honour they had conferred upon him in asking him to take some small part in that auspicious ceremony. It was his duty and great privilege to ask the Lord Lieutenant to accept at his hands a roll of honour of the names of those gallant men from that parish who so unselfishly laid down their lives in the cause of freedom. And he felt that he could not allow that occasion to pass unless he made reference to one predominant factor in connection with the erection of their memorial. He wished to offer in public, on behalf of the inhabitants of the parish of Ramsey, their greatest thanks and their deepest gratitude to the Rt. Hon. Lord De Ramsey for the very great kindness and magnificent help he had given them, so they had been enabled to have a memorial that ranked amongst the foremost in the county, and he thought he might say in the country. (Hear, hear.) As chairman of the War Memorial Committee at the commencement of the proceedings, he must confess he had certain doubts as to what kind of memorial was to be erected in the parish, but he could assure them that from the first moment he was privileged to interview Lord De Ramsey, he had no doubt or fear of any kind. It was owing to his Lordship’s very great kindness they stood before such a beautiful memorial. (Hear, hear.) He wished to thank all the committee who had worked so earnestly to gain the end they had attained. “I now ask you”, he concluded, addressing the Lord Lieutenant, “to accept this roll of honour, containing the names of the gallant men who had laid down their lives.” The Lord Lieutenant, in accepting the gift said he considered it a great honour and privilege to receive the Roll of Honour. He could assure them it would be greatly appreciated by himself, and he would see that it was put in the archives of the Lieutenancy, and would remain a permanent memorial. Tribute to the Lord Lieutenant. Lord De Ramsey said he had, on behalf of the whole of that parish, to thank their Lord Lieutenant and Mrs. Coote for coming there that day. He was glad to take that opportunity of saying a few words, for he never flattered, but they were words of truth concerning the work of their Lord Lieutenant since the King made him his representative in their county of Huntingdon. “When I came back from being a prisoner in Germany”, his Lordship proceeded, “I found our Lord Lieutenant hard at work. I was privileged to attend his meetings, and what was he doing? He was doing all that mortal man could do to collect food, clothing, tobacco, and comforts for our men who were fighting our battles. And not content with that, in the auction room in the autumn, anything that was offered by many a well-wisher was taken charge of by him, and the funds that were realised have gone a long way to help many and many of our men in all parts of the globe in this great war. (Hear, hear.) I tell you gentlemen of Ramsey, and ladies too, it was a fortunate day for this county when the King selected Howard Coote to be his representative.” (Hear, hear and applause). “Mr. Sewell, you have said some very kind things,” added his Lordship. “They have brought perhaps that ready tear to the blindest eye, and the choke to the throat, when I think that one who was so interested in this matter is lying dead there,” (referring to the family grave in the Churchyard). He was glad to think that Mr. Sewell and his committee approved of what he had done. It was not only because he was Lord of the Manor of Ramsey; it was because he, since a boy of 17, off and on, whether it was the bayonet or the sword, had been a soldier of the King and Queen, and he was still, by courtesy, a Colonel in the British Army. (Applause.) A Labour of Love. “What I have done has been a labour of love,” he continued, “and you, Mr. Sewell, and your committee, have backed me up in everything you possibly could. We have found between us a man – a Royal Academy man – Mr. Pomeroy, who has, I am told, given us a war memorial that cannot displease anybody unless they are full of carping and criticism. (Hear, hear.) He is a very able man. I wish he had been here to-day, but he has business in France to attend to. His Lordship added that without selecting or particularising – for, in fact, he could not do such a thing – there were three of Mr. Sewell’s colleagues he must mention of that large & united parish, with somewhere about 5,000 souls as its population, and probably with the increase of houses it was going to be a great deal more. He wished to mention first of all the three names of gentlemen who had assisted the committee in every possible way and foremost, beyond everybody else, except perhaps Mr. Sewell, there was no man on the committee who for 14 months had worked! worked!! worked!!! That was Mr. Brown, of Barclay’s Bank. (Applause.) Thanks. “Now”, ladies and gentlemen, the Right Hon. gentleman went on, “will you consider what it is for a busy man in a flourishing bank to undertake this? Of course, he looked to me for the accuracy of the military part of the business, and I left to him the accuracy with regard to the names. And you can imagine what it has been in a parish of 1,700 acres for Mr. Brown to make sure that the name of not a single Ramsey man was omitted from the list, and that the name of not a single man who did not belong to Ramsey parish was included. The result is you have six officers and 136 N.C.O’s and men inscribed on that memorial. I thank Mr. Brown with all my heart for the way he has thrown his whole soul into this work, and I do it in your name. (Hear, hear, and applause.) The other two names I wish to mention are good friends to us. Mr. Swearer erected the foundations to that memorial at cost price, and our good friend and townsman, Mr. Cade, has put up the solid wrought iron fencing at cost price also. It is in that spirit we have found encouragement in the last 14 months. After some considerable difficulty in getting the parish altogether to agree, I venture to think, although there may be those who still hanker after some good work in their own particular view, I am bound to say myself that, taking Scotland, Wales and England through, you will find that the general feeling in our nation is to put up a tribute to those that have fallen, and of encouragement to those who are succeeding. I am told there are many of the British Legion around the memorial. There are many there who have fought for us in every portion of the war zone. On behalf of this parish, I need not thank you, because you know how glad we are to have you back again. I hope you know that we do, each in our own way, what we can to make your life happier and more pleasant, and more prosperous than it was in 1913. An Empire’s Gratitude. Believe me, my brave lads, that you have the gratitude of this parish, this nation, this Empire. It is true you have only done your duty, but you did it well. You have done it right well, and the name of the British soldier, and his character, stands higher to-day in foreign lands than I think in my recollection it ever did before. I cannot pass by the British Legion without just mentioning one fact. It is a very great satisfaction to me, and I know it is to you, that sitting by my side I have the Commandant of the Abbots Ripton Hospital. (Hear, hear.) After nursing French soldiers, wounded in the early part of the war, for two years, she came back here, and for two-and-a-half years she nursed with the most able head Sister Craycroft, and a capital staff of nurses. She passed 1,050 men through that house of mine, and, thank God! she never lost one single life. (Applause.) “And in conclusion”, his Lordship went on, “I wish to say half-a-dozen words to those all round me by the railing of the memorial, to the relatives of those fallen, who, with myself, are mourning to-day. You and I, my friends of Ramsey, must not go on for ever and ever. We have got our duty to perform, and we will do it. But I would like to put two little points before you – and God knows I like you have suffered!” The Prussian Heel. “I put this before you: Those lives on that memorial were not wasted. Where would you and I and all this parish have been if the Prussian heel had been put on the neck of the Allied troups? Never in England’s history have we fought for a cause more righteous, more just than the one for which you and I have given of our best. You and I, as sure as the sun goes down to-night, will some day hear ‘The Last Post’. Equally certain, as the sun rises to-morrow morning, shall we hear ‘The Reveille’. Let you and me remember that. And when ‘The Reveille’ sounds, we join our loving ones again in that land above the sky, and then there is no more parting.” The hymn “God of our Fathers” having been sung, prayers were said by the Rev. J. Read. The ex-Servicemen then handed a laurel wreath to the Lord Lieutenant (which he subsequently placed on the memorial) in memory of their fallen comrades. The National Anthem was then sung, the proceedings concluding with “The Last Post”, followed after a short interval by “The Reveille”, sounded by four ex-Servicemen – Messrs. C. Lavender, J. Greenwood, E. Cade and A. Moore. THE MEMORIAL. Designed by Mr. F. W. Pomeroy, R. A., of Kensington Square, London, the memorial is of Portland stone, and rising from an octagonal base, is 17ft.6in. high. It is surmounted by a gilded bronze figure of St. George and the dragon, 5ft.3½in. high, and is fenced by railings of mild steel, which are 4ft. in height. Lord De Ramsey is a member of the Committee, of which Mr. E. V. Sewell, J.P., is chairman, and Mr. E. B. Brown, hon. secretary and treasurer. The inscription runs:–
IN GRATEFUL AND HONOURED MEMORY OF THE MEN IN THE PARISH, WHO LAID DOWN THEIR LIVES FOR THEIR COUNTRY. 1914 – 1919. Navy (H.M.S. Benbow). Pedley W. H. Royal Naval Division. Brittin E.G. 1st Life Guards. Fellowes, Hon. C.C., Capt. 20th Hussars. Corney E. Royal Horse and Field Artillery. Bull A. R.; Harvey J. W.; Hubbard E.; Newton A. L. G.; Potts W. G. Royal Garrison Artillery. Smith W. Machine Gun Corps. Gilbert J.; Lines F; Lines H.; Maycock E.; White G. H.; Stacey H. W. Grenadier Guards. Chapman E. J.; Hall T. W.; White G. Bedfordshire Regiment. Smythe R. M., Capt.; Barnes A. S.; Beesley E.G.; Behagg J. L.; Bellamy C.C.; Bristow M.; Carter G.; Clifton A. E.; Croft A.; Darlow A.; Dawkes E.; Day E. C.; Day G.; Denton L.; Few S.; Godfrey G. W.; Gray R.; Green G.; Greenwood, Harry; Hammond J.; Harper C.; Kilby G. A.; Lillywhite H.; Mee A.; Pepper J.; Pickard W.; Slack J. W.; Sutton L.; Swales G.; Taylor S.; Tibbles W.; Wilson J.; Yerrell S.
Northamptonshire Regt. Allen E.; Ambrose A.; Brewin J. G.; Burton G.; Gardner J.; Greenwood, Herbert; Lant T.; Parker S.; Pettit T.; Richardson T. A. Royal Berkshire Regt. Berridge S.; Emmington, John R.; Hatton E. King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. Greenwood J.P. Middlesex Regiment. Silk A.; Stokes E. King’s Royal Rifle Corps. Bowyer H. North Staffordshire Regiment. Skinner W. Durham Light Infantry. Acomb J.; Harding C.A. Royal West Surrey Regt. (The Queen’s) Longbourne H. R., Capt.; Darnell J.; Smithdale E. A.; Stevens G. East Kent Regt. (The Buffs) Bassett P.N.; Corney L.A.; Gowler, Job; Teeson A. Royal Lancaster Regiment. Holmes L. Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Allen A.; Bedford A.; Goakes A.; Greenwood F.; Hobbs T.; Johnson J. R.; Leggett F.; Lilley L.; Longland C.; Parker W. C.; Pettitt C. G.; Sinclair W. Cambridgeshire Regiment. Dawkes J.; Lavender A. J. Leicestershire Regiment. Chamberlain D., 2/Lieut. Yorkshire Regiment. Tatt G. W. Lancashire Fusiliers. Archer J. W.; Harvey W. Royal Welch Fusiliers. Mason A.; Stacey J. W. East Lancashire Regiment. Papworth C. East Surrey Regiment. Chapman V. J. West Riding Regiment. Seekings B.C. Royal Sussex Regiment. Warrington F.; Whitwell R. Gordon Highlanders. Denton G. W. Hertfordshire Regiment. Lambert R. H.; Rose Q. London Regiment. Willis F. Norfolk Yeomanry. Burton E. A. Suffolk Yeomanry. Fox P. E. C. Bedfordshire Yeomanry. Bull W. J.; Hill V. Hunts. Cyclists. Palmer P. Army Service Corps. Fensome W. Canadians. Corney S.; Crouch G. W.; Pedley Thomas. Royal Fusiliers. Garrett L. T., 2/Lieut.; Burgess J.; Harlock W. G.; Longland C. L.; Shelton R. W.; Butler G. H. King’s Liverpool Regiment. Greenwood J.; Setchell E. Norfolk Regiment. Hampton W. O., 2/Lieut.; Burton N.C. Lincolnshire Regiment. Fuller A. T. Suffolk Regiment. Cumbridge W. Oxford and Bucks. Light Infantry. Rootham G.; Rootham W. H. Essex Regiment. Corney A.D.; Emmington, James R.; Hipwell A. W.; Hollis C. Royal North Lancashire Regt. Wood A. Australian Imperial Force. Earl, Albert; Edwards C. W.; Webb A. Labour Corps. Hughes G. The Huntingdonshire Post – 8 September 1921. ============================================== THE FLOWERS. The following wreaths were then placed at the foot of the memorial:– In loving memory of Corpl. W. H. Rootham, 1st Oxford and Bucks. L. I., from mother, father, sisters and grandad. In loving memory of our dear Son and Brother, Pte. Albert Wilson Hipwell, killed in Egypt, Sept. 19th 1918, in his 21st year. “He bravely answered his country’s call, and gave his life for one and all: Ever remembered by his loving mother, dad, sister and brothers”. In proud and ever loving memory of our dear boy, Pte. George William Crouch, who died for King and country, Sept. 26th 1916, aged 22 years. In loving remembrance of Quince Rose, from his wife and children. In loving memory of Dvr. Arthur Reginald Bull, R. F. A., died in No. 2 British General Hospital, Amara, Mesopotamia, on May 7th 1917, aged 20. “For ever with the Lord.” In affectionate remembrance of Pte. Sydney Saunders, the beloved son of Henry and Elizabeth Berridge, who was killed Sept. 4th 1916. From mum, dad, sister and brothers. In memory of Nelson. Mrs. E. Evan Llewellyn. “From Cross to Crown.” In loving memory of Sergt. T. A. Richardson, the beloved son of Stephen and Harriett Richardson, who fell in action whilst doing his duty in the 6th Northants. Regiment on Sept. 18th 1918. With fondest love from all the family. In loving remembrance from his loving mother, Mrs. Chapman. In loving remembrance of our dear boy, Corpl. G. Carter, with deepest sympathy, from mother, father and family. In loving remembrance of our dear dad, S. Yerrell, from all the children, Lil, Jack, Stan, Billy, Maud, Frank. In affectionate remembrance of Pte. G. W. Tatt, from his loving mother, father, brothers and sister, Mereside. From Mr. and Mrs. Whitwell, Ponder’s Bridge. In loving memory of dear Leonard, from Maud. “Gone, but not forgotten.” In loving memory of our dear brother, from his sorrowing father, sisters and brothers. “Gone but not forgotten.” In loving memory of our dearly loved brother, Pte. Edgar Maycock, M.G.C., who died from pneumonia at the 18th C.C.S., France, on Nov 9th 1918, aged 25 years. In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Pte. H. Lines, from Dad, brother and sisters. In affectionate remembrance of Dick, from Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Rogers. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” In loving memory of John Lewis Behagg, from mother, father and Florrie. “Until the day break.” In proud and loving memory of my own darling Ronnie and all the other brave boys of this parish. From Mrs. W. Shelton, “Hazeldene”. In loving memory of my dear husband, Pte. A. Teeson, East Kent Regt, reported missing, Nov. 18th 1916, since presumed killed. From his loving wife and children. In loving memory of our two boys, Ernest Alfred Burton (Anzac 1918), Nelson Charles Burton (Vermand 1918). From the family. In loving memory of Charles Papworth, from mother and all. In affectionate remembrance of Ernie Smithdale, from Florrie. “Gone but not forgotten.” In loving memory of our dear boy, L/Cpl. E. Hatton, from his ever loving father and mother, sisters and brothers, Forty Foot Bridge. To my comrades of the Great War. From J. Barnes, late B. S. M., R. F. A. “Rest well, brave hearts.” In ever loving memory of dear Pte. Tom Lant, from his loving mother, brother and sisters. In ever loving memory of dear Bob. From mother, father and brothers. In ever loving remembrance of our dear son, Quince, from his father, mother, brothers and sisters. With loving sympathy, from father, mother, Sarah and Jack. In loving memory of my dear husband, Pte. S. Corney, 27th Battalion Winnipeg Grenadiers, killed Aug. 21st 1917. From his loving wife, son and daughter. In loving memory of dear Pte. Tom Lant, from his loving brother Jonas and Nellie and Millie. In loving memory of our dear son, Frederick Lines, from his broken-hearted mother and father. “Not my will, but Thy will, O God.” In loving memory of Arthur Mee, Alfred Allen and George Carter, from Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose and family. In loving memory of a dear son, Sergt. Thos. Andrew Fuller, from father, brothers and sister and brother-in-law Fred. In loving memory of brother Alfred, from Mr. and Mrs. T. Ambrose and family. In loving remembrance of Pte. E. Allen, from his wife and son. In remembrance of Nelson and Ernest, from Elsie. In ever loving memory of dear Uncle Frederick, from Mildred and Ida, Ponder’s Bridge. In loving memory of L/Cpl. E. Hatton, from Olive, and all at 16 Clarence View, Filey. In memory of those who have fallen. In loving memory of Pte. George Burton, 6th Northamptons, from father, mother, sister Mabel and brother Jack. Also Hilda and Annie. “Dearer than ever his memory clings.” In loving remembrance of George Herbert White, M.G.C., killed in action in Mesopotamia, Feb. 10th 1917. From father, mother and family. In loving memory of our dear Brother and Uncle, Arthur Silk. From Will and family, St. Mary's. In loving memory of Edward Corney and J. R. Johnson, from the family. In loving remembrance, from Mr. and Mrs. W. Hall and family. In loving remembrance of our dear brother Bob, who was killed in action in France. From his loving brothers Fred and William. In kind and loving remembrance of our dear boy, L/Cpl. Albert Goakes, Royal Warwicks, from mother, father, sister and brothers, Newtown, Ramsey. To the dear memory of Alfred Allen, from father, brothers and all at 19 Field Terrace. “Ever in our thoughts.” In loving memory of my dear son, Edward George Beesley, from his sorrowing mother, father, sisters and brothers-in-law. In affectionate remembrance of Pte. P. Bassett, from his old chums. In fond remembrance of our dear brother Stanley Few, who was killed in action, April 23rd 1917, from his loving brother and sister, Frank and Nance and baby. “Peace, perfect peace.” To our dear boy, George Alfred Kilby, 4th Bedfords, from mother and dad. In affectionate remembrance of our dear son, from father, brothers and sisters. In loving remembrance of our dear brother, J. T. Pettitt, 5th Northants. Regt, from his loving sister and brother, Farley Hill, Reading. In loving memory of our dear son, J. T. Pettitt, 5th Northants. Regt., from his father, mother, sisters and brothers, Rosendale House. In loving memory of all the fallen, from Mr. and Mrs. G. Hobbs and family. In loving memory of my dear husband, L/Cpl. Marenza Bristow, Beds. Regt, killed in action, August 22nd 1918. From his loving wife and two children. With deepest sympathy from Mr. and Mrs. Tibbles and family. Sacred to the memory of S. Yerrell, from his loving wife. “Thy will be done.” To our dear Bill, from mam, dad, brothers and sisters. R. I. P. Ever in our thoughts. In ever loving memory of dear Harold, from his loving mother, sisters and brothers, 31 Field Terrace. In memory of Capt. R. M. Smythe. In sweet remembrance of darling Bert, from his grandma and grandad, Mr. and Mrs. W. Richards, Mereside, and his auntie and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Lepla, St. Mary’s. “He gave his life for us all.” In loving memory of our darling Bert, from his mam and dad, brothers and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. A. Seekings, Halifax. “Gone, but not forgotten.” In loving memory of dear Arthur, from mother, father and sisters. In loving memory of our dear nephew, who gave his life for his country, from his loving aunt and uncle and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Yates. In loving memory of our dear Tom Hobbs, who died August 28th 1916, aged 23 years. “Always in our thoughts.” From dad, mam and sisters, Mere Farm, Ramsey. With fondest love, from dear mother, father and brother William. In ever loving memory of our dear boys, John Robert Johnson and Arthur Wood, who will never be forgotten by their sorrowing mother, father, sisters and brothers. “Peace, perfect peace.” To dear Sidney Taylor, from mother, father, brother and sister. In everlasting memory of our dear son, Albert Ernest Clifton. With love, from father, mother, sisters, brothers and grandma. “A daily thought; an everlasting sorrow.” In loving memory of Chas. Hollis, who died for his King and country, March 25th 1918, from mother and family. In ever loving memory of our dearly beloved and only son, Pte. Ernest A. Smithdale, from his sorrowing father, mother and sister, Ethel, Will and little Norman. “Gone, but not forgotten.” In loving memory of our dear boy, C. W. Parker, from father, mother, sisters and brother. “Gone, but not forgotten.” To the dear and loving memory of a dear son and brother, from his loving mother, father, sisters and brothers, Mill House, Forty Foot Bridge. In loving memory of Pte. R. Seekings, from uncle and aunt, Herbert and Sarah Cox. “He gave his life that we might live.” In loving memory of our dear boys, Albert Webb and Arthur Teeson. In fond and honoured memory of our fallen comrades, Ramsey Silver Prize Band. “Amidst the brotherhood on high they are at home with God.” In loving memory of our dear John Robert Emmington, from father, mother, sister and brother, Uggmere Mill, St. Mary’s. “Gone, but not forgotten.” In ever loving memory of my dear husband, Pte. Ernest Setchell, King’s Liverpool Regiment, who died of wounds in France, Sept. 17 1918. From his loving wife and boys. “Gone, but not forgotten.” In loving memory of my dear brothers, Ptes. George and Ernest Day, from their affectionate father, sister and brother. “Gone, but not forgotten.” In fond and loving memory of our dear John Hemment, from his loving mother, brother, sisters and children. In memory of Pte. John Wm. Slack, from his loving wife and children, father, mother, sisters and brothers. In loving memory of our dear nephew, Cpl. G. Carter, from Mr. and Mrs. Rudd and family. In loving memory of our dear brother, Charlie Hollis, from Jack & Kit. “Dearer than ever his memory clings.” In loving memory of Pte. Albert Earl, from mother and dad. In loving memory of our dear boy Archie, from father, mother and all at Rose Cottage, St. Mary’s, and May. In ever loving memory of a dear father and husband, Pte. George Burton, killed in action, 14th March 1917. From his loving wife and three sons. “Gone, but not forgotten.” In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Corpl. C. L. Longland, 2/4th London Regt., died March 21st 1918. From his loving father, mother, sisters and brothers. In affectionate remembrance of dear Len, from his loving wife. In affectionate remembrance of dear Len, from his loving father, brothers and sisters. In affectionate remembrance of dear Arthur, from his sorrowing wife and son Reg. In loving memory of C. G. Pettitt, Hunts. Cyclists. “Dearer than ever his memory clings.” From father, mother, sister and brothers, Ramsey, Hunts. From his sorrowing daughter Annie, father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey. With loving sympathy, from brother and sister, Ernest and Alice Stacey, New-road, Chatteris. In loving memory of Charles Hollis, died March 25th 1918, from his loving wife & children. In memory of dear dad, from his loving wife and son, Louie and Tommy. In ever loving memory of Ernest Stokes, from father, mother, Frank and Alice. In loving memory of Pte. G. Green, from all at 24 New Park, March. From his loving mother, dad, sisters and brothers, Pte. W. Skinner, Boat and Anchor, Ramsey. “Gone, but not forgotten.” In loving memory of 142 gallant and heroic men of this parish who laid down their lives in defence of their country, from the Ramsey and Bury Women’s Institute. In loving memory of dear old Jack, from his father, mother, brothers and sister. L. Warrington, in affectionate remembrance, from father, mother and family. In loving memory of Pte. G. Burton, from his loving nephews and nieces, Harry, Jack, Doris, Violet and Gladys. “Ever in our thoughts.” In affectionate remembrance of Frank Greenwood, who died of wounds. From his loving son, brothers and sisters. In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Jas. Gilbert, who died Nov. 19 1918. From his loving father and mother, and all at Whittlesey. “Gone, but not forgotten.” In ever loving memory of dear Jim, who will never be forgotten. From his loving wife and little son. “At Rest.” In ever loving memory of Ernest G. Britten, from father, mother, Bertha and Albert. In remembrance of my dear husband and dad, Pte. W. G. Harlock, Lotting Fen. “Peace after pain.” From his loving wife and children. In memory, from British Legion, Ramsey Branch. “Duty done; sacrifice made; victory won.” In grateful memory of the men of the Parish who made the supreme sacrifice in the Great War 1914-1919. From the War Memorial Committee. In loving memory from your wife Rosa. In ever loving memory of Rifleman Harold Bowyer, K. R. R., the beloved son of Nun and Elizabeth Bowyer. In loving memory of dear Bob, from mother, father and brothers.
As no official list giving the names of the Ramsey men who died
during W.W.II. was found, this list has been put together by trying
to read the names as originally inscribed into the stone of the
memorial, which was in a very poor condition, plus using the
[incomplete] list of names as shown in the Book of Remembrance
inside the Church.
Sgt. A/G. G. AVORY - Royal Air Force
Stoker L. S. AVORY Royal Navy A/C.
W. H. R . BARLOW Royal Air Force
L/Cpl. J. BEDFORD Cambs. Regt. Sgt.
A/G. W.R. BEETON Royal Air Force Sgt.
L. W. BOWD Royal Air Force Pte.
E.W. BREEZE Northants. Regt.
Driver A. J. W. BULLEN R. E. M. E. Sgt.
F/Sgt. W. H. CADE Royal Air Force Pte.
L. E. CARRINGTON Hampshire Regt. Pte.
H. COX Queen’s Royal Rifles Pte.
C. CULLIP Queen’s Royal Rifles F/O.
P. DAVIS Royal Air Force
F/Sgt. G. W. DAWSON Royal Air Force Pte.
C. E. DEAN Suffolk Regt. Pte.
R. EDWARDS Suffolk Regt.
Gunner J. W. FEAST Royal Artillery Pte.
A. J. W. FRANCIS Suffolk Regt. W/O.
M. GILDING Royal Air Force Pte.
C. J. GREENWOOD Queen’s Royal Rifles
Driver H. G. GREENWOOD Royal Army Service Corps Pte.
A. R. HIBBINS Welch Regt. Pte.
C. T. HODSON Royal Army Ordnance Corps
Cadet G. A. J. HOW Merchant Navy
Trooper D. INGLE Royal Armoured Corps Pte.
R.R. JOHNSON Suffolk Regt.
Gunner O. G. NORFIELD Royal Artillery
2nd.Lieut. D.C. OLDHAM Rifle Brigade Sgt.
E. A. PALMER Middlesex Regt. F/O
J. H. T. PALMER Royal Air Force Pte.
A. PAPWORTH Northants. Regt. Pte.
A. PAPWORTH Royal Lincs. Regt. Pte.
T. W. PEDLEY Royal Corps of Signals L.
A. C. D. H .J. PEPPERCORN Royal Air Force Pte.
H. A. PICKARD Suffolk Regt.
A/B. C. ROOK Royal Navy Sgt.
E. ROSHER Royal Air Force
Capt. J. SERJEANT Royal Norfolk Regt.
Cadet G. SHEPPERSON Merchant Navy
Trooper E. SMITH Queen’s Royal Hussars Pte.
R. SPENCER Royal Army Medical Corps A/B.
V.G. SPENCER Royal Navy Pte.
J.C. TAYLOR Suffolk Regt. Pte.
R. V. TAYLOR Devonshire Regt. Pte.
O. TINKLER Cambs. Regt.
W/Op. P. WILLIS Merchant Navy Pte.
F. V. WILSON Cambs. Regt.
Driver J. W. WILSON Royal Army Service Corps ============================================================== Ramsey St. Mary’s Church [Large brass plaque in south aisle] Identical memorials also used to be in the Ramsey St. Mary’s Methodist Chapel [now in Ramsey St. Mary’s C.P. School Hall] & Ramsey Heights Methodist Chapel [later in St. Mary’s Village Hall, but now at Ramsey Rural Museum]. 1914 –––– 1919 To the glory of God and in grateful remembrance of the St. Mary’s men who laid down their lives for God and Country in the Great War and whose names are here inscribed. Pte. J. W. ARCHER Pte. J. R. JOHNSON Pte. A. S. BARNES Pte. R. H. LAMBERT Pte. A. BEDFORD Pte. T. LANT Pte. J. BREWIN L/Cpl. L. LILLEY L/Cpl. M. BRISTOW Pte. H. LINES Pte. A.D. CORNEY Pte. G. ROOTHAM L/Cpl. E. CORNEY Cpl. W. H. ROOTHAM Pte. L.A. CORNEY Pte. E. SETCHELL Pte. A. CROFT Pte. G. SHELTON Pte. G. W. CROUCH Pte. A. SILK Pte. G. DAWKES Pte. W. SINCLAIR Pte. E. DAWKES Pte. E. A. SMITHDALE Pte. L. DENTON Pte. L. SUTTON Pte. J. R. EMMINGTON Pte. G. SWALES Pte. R. GRAY Pte. W. TIBBLES Pte. W. G. HARLOCK Pte. G. H. WHITE Pte. C. HARPER Pte. R. WHITWELL Pte. A. HIPWELL Pte. J. WILSON Pte. G. HUGHES Pte. A. WOOD Their names liveth for ever. ============================================================== Smaller plaque in south aisle of Ramsey St. Mary’s Church. 1939 ––––– 1945 Wilfred BARLOW Jack FEAST Tom BUTLER Ronald JOHNSON Lawrence Eric CARRINGTON George NORTHFIELD Leonard EMMINGTON Horace PICKARD ============================================================== Ramsey Fortyfoot Village Hall [Wooden wall plaque] [Originally in the St. Felix Mission Church] In Memoriam. Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends. The Great War 1914 – 1918 A. ALLEN T. HOBBS J. BURGESS. M.M. J. HAMMENT N. BURTON G. KILBY E. BURTON T. PEDLEY R. EMMINGTON F. RICHARDSON C. HOLLIS H. W. STACEY E. HATTON E. STOKES S. TAYLOR ============================================================== [There is no memorial showing the names of the men of Ramsey Fortyfoot who died during W.W.II, but the following article appears in the Hunts. Post, dated 3 January 1946.] TO THE FALLEN. Five trees have been planted at the School playing field in memory of the men of the village who gave their lives in the War, and one in memory of Miss Joan Bell, an old teacher of the School, who lost her life during an air raid. After a speech by Mr. J. Willis, relatives of the men, and of Miss Bell, planted a tree each, and it is hoped that they will grow to shade future generations of the children of Fortyfoot. ============================================================== The Church of St. Thomas, Pondersbridge. [Bronze tablet in south aisle] To the Glory of God and in Sacred Memory of the undermentioned Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men of the Parish of Ponders Bridge who lost their lives during the Great War 1914 – 1918. Rank. Names. Regiment. Date of Death. Pte. Arthur LONG 1st. Beds. Nov 17 1914 Lieut. Edward W. SAUNDERS 1st. Cambs. May 7 1915 Pte. Feary WOODWARD 6th. Northants. May 9 1915 Pte. Llewellyn THOMAS 3rd. Suffolks. July 24 1915 Pte. John H. CUMBRIDGE Rifle Brigade Dec 8 1915 2nd.Lieut. William Orr HAMPTON 3rd Norfolks and 70th Machine Gun Corps. July 1 1916 Pte. Fred RICHARDS 11th Suffolks. July 1 1916 Pte. William H. PALMER 11th Suffolks. July 1 1916 Pte. Russell WHITWELL Royal Sussex Sept 16 1916 Pte. Henry PLUMMER 1st. Cambs. Oct 10 1916 Sgt. Claude C. BELLAMY 4th. Beds. April 23 1917 Pte. John Wm. CUMBRIDGE 9th. Suffolks. May 5 1917 Pte. Leonard HOLMES Loyal North Lancs. May 11 1917 Pte. Isaac Hy. ROE 1st. Lincoln. Jun 3 1917 Pte. Sydney ROE 2nd. Northants. Dec 26 1917 Pte. Daniel DYER East Kent – Buffs. April 7 1918 Pte. George Wm. TATT 52nd. West Yorks. April 10 1918 Pte. Charles ROSE Queens Royal West Sussex Aug 8 1918 Pte. Fred WARRINGTON 12th. Royal Sussex Sept 24 1918 * * * * * * * Also a printed and framed Roll of Honour on north wall of chancel showing the names of the men of Ponders Bridge who died during W.W.I. It contains the names as shown on the War Memorial, plus the following four:– Pte. Arthur WOOD Loyal North Lancs. Sept 3 1916 Pte. Geo. Wm. CROUCH 8th Canadian Infantry Sept 26 1916 Pte. Tom LANT 6th. Northants. Nov 26 1917 Pte. George HUGHES 143rd Labour Corps Nov 28 1917 ====================================================================== Ramsey Grammar School. [Wooden tablet in Sports Pavilion on Playing Field] This Pavilion was given to the School by Old Grammarians in proud and lasting memory of the fifteen Old Boys who lost their lives in World War II. Roy BEETON, R.A.F. Harry CADE, R.A.F. Phil DAVIS, R.A.F. Maurice GILDING, R.A.F. Bernard HODSON, R. A. S. C. Geoffrey HOWE, M. N. Douglas INGLE, R. T. R. Edward KNOWLES, R.A.F. Jack MISSELDINE, R.A.F. John PALMER, R.A.F. Tom PEDLEY, R. A. S. C. Eric ROSHER, R.A.F. Geoffrey SHEPPERSON, M. N. Edwin WHITEHEAD, R. A. Peter WILLIS, M. N. “We live and will not forget” 1954. [This memorial board has been re-located to a more permanent site in the foyer of the Abbey School, and was re-dedicated on 11th November 2003.] ==================================================== ON NATIONAL ROLL OF HONOUR. Names of Hunts. Air Heroes. Among the names to be placed on the Roll of Honour in the Battle of Britain Chapel in Westminster Abbey are those of two Ramsey men, Bomber Command aircrew members, who lost their lives in The Battle of Britain. Sgt. E. B. PALMER F/Lt. J. H. T. PALMER The next of kin of these men were invited to attend the unveiling of the Roll of Honour by H. R. H. King George VI on 10th June 1947.
THE REST IS UP TO YOU.We have heard our country calling, And we have shouldered each our arms. When the bugles rang out wildly, From the hillsides and the farms. We are fighting to the finish, We are going to see it through. We will do our best in battle, But the rest is up to you.
We have donned the khaki breeches, We have picked up belt and gun. In the cause of right and freedom, We’ll no tyrant fear or shun. We have left you for a reason, While we teach the Hun whose who. Leave our homes, friends and loved ones, And that’s where it’s up to you.
There’ll be hearts all torn and broken, With the anguish and the gain. For the loved ones lost forever, For the boys in battle slain. And we Tommies will be fighting, Far across the ocean blue. We’ll need food, clothes, ammunitions, That’s the work that’s up to you.
With the slackers and the traitor, Who would stab us in the back. For our hands are surely busy, Setting William off his track. We’ve a great big job before us, That is everybody’s view. Stand behind us in the struggle, It’s the thing we ask of you.
So put strikes far from you, Join with willing heart and hand. Till again the gentle peace dove, Shall wing forth o’er every land. Let your effords be unceasing, For the cause is grand and true. Then we’ll not be disappointed, With the jobs we left for you.
A poem from Ted Baker of Ramsey, 1st. Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. 4th February 1918. ======================================== SALONIQUE. There’s a little place out East called Salonique, Where they’re sending British Tommies every week. When you view it from the sea it’s a fine sight you’ll agree, And you’ll think you’ll have a spree at Salonique.
There are nations spot a few at Salonique, But at present it belongs to Mr. Greek. He’s a wily sort of guy, doesn’t want to fight, for why? Perhaps he’s like the Yankees, shy, so to speak.
The languages you hear at Salonique, Are as many as the hours in a week. And if Tommy only knew, just the swear words of a few, The air would soon turn blue at Salonique.
There are lots of little camps round Salonique, Filled with French and British Tommies, hard as teak. And the Kaiser and his pack will find when we attack, There’s a nut he cannot crack at Salonique.
For the general in command at Salonique, Is at scrapping on the mountains just unique. And with General Sarrajl in the lead we cannot fail, We will twist the Kaiser’s tail at Salonique.
Just a word or two in closing Mr. Greek, You have treated us as guests at Salonique. And if you regret we came and our views are not the same, Well it isn’t you we blame Mr. Greek.
If you want to stay a neutral, meek and mild, That is your affair not ours Mr. Greek. Just whatever you’re about we’ll know you’ll help to shout, When we’ve wiped the Germans out at Salonique.
Pte. Sam Hughes of Ramsey St. Marys, 15th April 1916. ============================================================================ When the Bombs fell on Ramsey. It was felt that no list of names commemorating the people of Ramsey who died as a cause that could be attributed to the two World Wars would be complete without the mention of those who lost their lives when an enemy aircraft dropped four high-explosive bombs on Ramsey Town at 23.12p.m. on Saturday night, 22nd August 1942. Bombs completely demolished two houses, and many others were so badly damaged by the blasts that the occupants had to be evacuated. Other buildings, including the Methodist Chapel, the Council School and the Telephone Exchange, were also damaged Miss Ruby Joan Rosher BELL, aged 31 years, the elder daughter of Ralph McLain & Anne BELL of 34 Field Terrace, was killed in the blast damaged home of her aunt, Mrs. Mary Ann ROSHER, and was buried in Ramsey cemetery. She had been a teacher at Ramsey Fortyfoot village school, and a voluntary helper in the report centre. Mrs. Ethel Mary INGLE, aged 53, of 1 Field Terrace, was killed and her husband, Herbert INGLE, was injured, when a bomb dropped on their home. Mr. & Mrs. INGLE had recently heard that their only son had died of wounds while serving with the 7th Hussars in Burma. She was buried in Ramsey cemetery. Hector Lewis CAMPBELL, aged 29 years, youngest son of Mrs. Laura Edith and the late Arthur William CAMPBELL of 38 High Street, was buried in Ramsey cemetery. He had been employed as a corn buyer & salesman etc. for Messrs. Herbert LARRATT & Co. Ltd. of Ramsey. Mrs. CAMPBELL had two other sons, Colin Featherstone CAMPBELL, who had lost his hairdressing business in the raid, and Maurice CAMPBELL. Wilfred TATT, aged 34 years, son of Wilfred & Florence TATT, was buried in Ramsey cemetery. He left a widow Harriet Victoria TATT and a 14 years old son Victor, living in Little Whyte. These last two men were in the street and dashed for a passage between two houses [ next to 39 High Street] for shelter, when a bomb fell directly above them. They were buried beneath tons of masonry, and their bodies were not recovered until several hours later. Mrs. Gwendoline Mary WORLOCK, aged 31 years, of 47 High Street, was killed by falling masonry, when her home was damaged by the blasts, and was buried in Ramsey cemetery. Her husband, G.H. WORLOCK, was a warrant officer in the Royal Air Force. Charles CRUMP, aged 81 years, and his wife Ada CRUMP, aged 73 years, were both killed when their home was demolished by a bomb. Two evacuees from London, they had been living with the Misses Clara & Drusilla HARRISON at 36 High Street, a large house adjoining the Methodist Chapel. Mrs. Emma CROSS of 34 High Street, was badly injured in her blast damaged home. The wife of Reggie CROSS, she was taken to hospital where she was put on the danger list, and died a short time later. ============================================================= A RAMSEY SOLDIER’S OPTIMISM. Pte. George EDGLEY of Ramsey, known to his friends as Samson, has penned the following verses:- Hurrah for old England, and good luck to her sons. Who have gone over to France to beat all the Huns: They all knew their duty to join in the fight To crush out the powers of darkness for light.
They are doing it well, and the day will soon come When all of the foe will be on their way home: They know they are beat, and our prisoners prove That their boasting now runs in a different groove.
For we moved them at Arras, likewise on the Somme, And round about Ypres they’ll all soon be gone. For when British boys start out to attack, There’s no German living who can hold them back. But, alas, there are some who’ll never again Come back to Old England for honour and fame. But their memory we cherish: they knew how to die: And we know they have gone to their Maker on High.
And when all is over, let us never forget, To the boys who have fought, we owe a great debt, If it wasn’t for them, why, between you and me You’d never be able to call England free.
Hunts Post – November 1917. ==================================================== RAMSEY MAN BREAKS INTO VERSE. One of the Ramsey boys was not very much enamoured of his “pitch” in Ireland. He broke out into verse and here is the result:– There’s a wild desolate spot I’d like to mention Where all you hear is “Stand at Ease”, “Slope Arms”, “Quick March”, “Attention”. It’s miles away from anywhere – by gad, it is a rum ‘un. A chap lived there for fifty years and never saw a wom–un!
There are lots of little huts, all dotted here and there: For those who have to live inside I’ve offered many a prayer! Outside the huts, there’s rats as big as nanny goats – Last night a soldier saw one trying on his overcoat.
It’s mud up to the eyebrows; you get it in your ears: But into it you’ve got to go, without a sign of fear. And when you’ve had a bath of mud, you just set to and groom, And get cleaned up for next parade – or else it’s orderly room!
Week in, week out, from morn till night, with full pack and a rifle. Like Jack and Jill, you climb the hill – of course that’s just a trifle. “Slope Arms”, “Fixed Bayonet”, then “Present”: they fairly put you through it, And as you stagger to your hut, the sergeant shouts “Jump to it!”
With tunics, boots and puttees off, you quickly get the habit, You gallop up and down the hills, just like a blooming rabbit. “Heads backward bend”, “Arms upward stretch”, “Heels raise”, then “Ranks change places”. Later on they make you put your kneecaps where your face is.
When the War is over and we’ve captured Kaiser Billy To shoot him would be merciful and absolutely silly. Just send him down to –––––– Camp, amongst the rats and clay, I’ll bet he won’t be long before he fades away. Hunts Post – 7 September 1917. ==================================================== “FROM THE TRENCHES OF 1914” There’s a dear little town in England place where I was born. I can see my brothers and sisters, Where I’ve slept, played and sworn But, now in a land across the sea, With my rifle, bayonet and pack, I will fight till the last for my country And try to keep the enemy back.
I have marched, I have slept, on the roadside. I had comrades, I no more shall see. But, if I live to get back to dear Old Ramsey, How happy, how pleased, I shall be.
This moving little poem was sent during the 1914-18 War to Mrs. E. SMITH of Oaklands Avenue, Wistow, by her brother Ted – Private Edward BAKER was serving in the Bedfordshire Regt. ======================================================= Where is it now? A Wonderful Model.A beautiful and very realistic model of the Ramsey War Memorial complete in every detail, made by Mr. S. Edwards, of Newtown, is displayed in Mr. E. H. Fisher’s window, in connection with Mr. Fisher’s annual Armistice display. The model, which is about 2ft.6in. overall stands on a base 2ft.6in. x 2ft.4in. and has been minutely copied and worked out to scale. Not one item of its construction is missing. The memorial stands upon a mound of grass surrounded by a gravel path and grass up to the railings. The pattern of the iron railings has been accurately copied. It is made from spokes of cycle wheels cut to size and surmounted by the fleur-de-lis heads on each rail. The little gate has been made to open. Round the base are the receptacles for flowers, and the Inscription and the names of all the fallen, of which there are a great number, are there. The figure of St. George and the Dragon was perhaps the most difficult pieces of the set, and was a great test of this young man’s skill and patience. This has been secured by moulding the figure on a framework of wire. On the front of the memorial is a wreath of poppies with the words “Lest we forget”. As a finish to the model the maker has introduced flood-lighting, and this gives a wonderful effect in the evening time. It will, no doubt, interest readers to know that this young man is an agricultural worker, and this is but a hobby of his, and has been worked upon in his leisure time. On enquiry, he admitted the time he had kept count of amounts to 132 hours. The Hunts. Post – 9th November 1933. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ramsey Parish War Memorial
Where is it now?A Wonderful Model. A beautiful and very realistic model of the Ramsey War Memorial complete in every detail, made by Mr. S. Edwards, of Newtown, is displayed in Mr. E.H. Fisher’s window, in connection with Mr. Fisher’s annual Armistice display. The model, which is about 2ft.6in. overall stands on a base 2ft.6in. x 2ft.4in. and has been minutely copied and worked out to scale. Not one item of its construction is missing. The memorial stands upon a mound of grass surrounded by a gravel path and grass up to the railings. The pattern of the iron railings has been accurately copied. It is made from spokes of cycle wheels cut to size and surmounted by the fleur-de-lis heads on each rail. The little gate has been made to open. Round the base are the receptacles for flowers, and the Inscription and the names of all the fallen, of which there are a great number, are there. The figure of St. George and the Dragon was perhaps the most difficult pieces of the set, and was a great test of this young man’s skill and patience. This has been secured by moulding the figure on a framework of wire. On the front of the memorial is a wreath of poppies with the words “Lest we forget”. As a finish to the model the maker has introduced flood-lighting, and this gives a wonderful effect in the evening time. It will, no doubt, interest readers to know that this young man is an agricultural worker, and this is but a hobby of his, and has been worked upon in his leisure time. On enquiry, he admitted the time he had kept count of amounts to 132 hours. The Hunts. Post – 9th November 1933. |
![]() Note from local paper - unknown - copy from Ramsey R. B. L. - Douglas Smith OBE files. Date on note = 1st September 1949. |
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Link to W.W. I names on Ramsey War Memorial. |
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Link to W.W. II names on Ramsey War Memorial. |
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05/12/2017. |
. | . | © Joan Whitwell and Martyn Smith. |