The Huntingdon boys you’ve heard of, Who are guarding England’s shore From Spurn Point up to Scarboro As it ne’er was done before. - - - The spirit, pluck and cheerfulness, In the way they do their work. Calls forth the praise of everyone, They’re not the boys to shirk. - - - All night when a storm is raging, In the teeth of furious gales, They calmly watch the rugged coast All alert for mystic sails. - - - With rifles cocked and fully armed,They await the coming foe Eager to fight for England’s might And their British pluck to show. - - - There’re only young, but brave and strong,With the right blood in their veins, And are longing for their colours To adorn their battle gains.
- - All along the stretch of coast, The natives think the world of them, And of their Behaviour boast. - - - No other troops to their idea Come up to the Tommy Hunts., They know who guards their heath and home, Who’s bearing the hardest brunts. - - - The folk at home in Huntingdon Of their soldier sons are proud, More than the Germans it would take For their spirits to be cowed. - - - So here’s luck to their boys in Khaki, We wish them a safe return ; And they’ll always be remembered From Scarboro’ down to Spurn.
Composed before 11-12-1914
--------------------------------------------- 1914. We come from a little county, But we muster a thousand men, Recruited in town and village, And away from the flat bleak fen; We patrol the Eastern coast, sir, We are the boys who do not shirk Though the wind blows stiff Yet we guard your cliff, For that is the Hunts. boy’s work.
G. N. R. to Grimsby, Bicycle up to Hull, Pedal on to Hornsea, A forty-five mile pull, Ride up north to Filey, Or ride down south to Spurn, We'll do our job for a daily "bob," But we've more than our pay to earn.
We're bred from the old Fen stock, sirs, Which oft times fought with Montagu; We're hewn from the self-same rock, sirs, Stern old Oliver Cromwell knew; And throughout the two Battalions You'll not find a father's son Who will bring shame The old fighting name Of the lads of Huntingdon.
G. N. R. to Grimsby, Bicycle up to Hull, Pedal on to Hornsea, A forty-five mile pull, Ride up north to Filey, Or ride down south to Spurn, We'll do our job for a daily "bob," And the fame that we mean to earn.
K. D. Knowles. (rev. HCB)
The Huntingdonshire Wiresides When Old England was in Some doubt Whom she'd send to the coast to scout North, south, and east and round about, She chose the "Huntingdon Wiresides."
So when we reached here by and bye, We heard the Yorkshire people cry "Truly Old England cannot die With Terriers like the Wiresides ! "
The Wiresides nightly march about Alert to put the foe to route ; What wonder that the people shout In praise of Huntingdon Wiresides !
And when these Cyclists leave a town The population's head hangs down, Their sad salt tears bid fair to drown The gallant Huntingdon Wiresides !
Along the cliffs they're now entrenched ; With hail, rain, snow, their clothes are drenched ; But their spirits are not damped or quenched, They are still the Huntingdon Wiresides !
When the Kaiser's Navy sees this lot, It'll turn its tail for a quieter Spot, If not - in the neck it will get it hot From the wiry Huntingdon Wiresides.
Composed by Lance Corporal Abraham.
My dear old lady I don't wish to scare you, But have you heard the latest German boast How they intended to send their fleet and tear you With bag and baggage from the Yorkshire coast ? This scheme, quite unknown to the nation, You may not think that it amounts to much, But I can vouch for secret information; With Kitchener, and Churchill, I'm in touch. The reasons why you ought to go, These things I mayn’t disclose ; But if you knew the things I know, The things that no one knows ! I must not tell you any more ‘Twas told me secretly ; But if you'd seen the things I saw In earth and sky and sea - But then I must not say a word For reticence is might, But if you'd heard the things I heard, One dark and stilly night !!! But now dear lady quite enough I’ve said A peaceful night to you, and so to bed. ----------------------------------------------------------- Medical Inspection Room. There’s an orderly private named Peak, Who attends to the sick and the weak, He doses their ills With administration Of No. 9 pills And free imbibation Of Syrup of Squills But his pet occupation Is inoculation. The pure joy of hearing them squeak Appeals to the instincts of Peak.
Khaki in the saddle - By P. Cox - Orton Goldhay - Peterborough
addition to the poetry session - Is this the first poem written about the Hunts.
Cyclists for 50 years? |
If you can help with any data on this Huntingdonshire Cyclist please contact me at huntscycles@btinternet.com |
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