On Wednesday, 16th December, 1908.
Brig.-General Sir H. S. RAWLINSON, Bart., C.V.O., C.B., p.s.c.,
Commanding 2nd Infantry Brigade, Aldershot, in the Chair.
It is some three years since a paper on the subject of Military Cycling
was last read in this Hall, by Major R. A. Johnson, now Brigade-Major of
the South Midland Brigade. That these three years have been fruitful in
changes in the evolution of the cycle as an engine of war must be my
excuse for inflicting upon, the members, of this Institution another
lecture on the same subject. Those who are cyclist officers, or who have
kept closely in touch with the progress of military cycling, will
doubtless call to mind the changes to which I refer; but I do not think
that it would be out of place to roughly outline in a few words the past
history of military cycling, both at home and abroad, before I attempt
to deal with the present or the future of that branch of the Service in
which many officers are so deeply interested, and of which many others,
I regret to say, are so profoundly ignorant.
In 1887 Colonel Savile, Chief Instructor of Tactics at the Staff
College, Camberley, retiring from the Service, took over the command, of
a Volunteer Cyclist Corps, 120 strong, which had been raised by Majors
Carpenter and Hewitt, formerly of the Carabineers; he suggested that
this new Corps should be designated the "Cyclist Guides" or "Cyclist
Scouts," which sufficiently denotes the duties which, with his great
experience, both of military matters and of cycling, he thought this
corps might most usefully perform. However, the authorities preferred to
give this new regiment the title of "Cyclist Rifle Corps," thereby
implying that the men should be trained to undertake a very different
role in war. I have elaborated this point, as I am desirous of showing
how from the very start the aspirations of cyclist officers, even such
an officer as Colonel Savile - an expert not only in cyclist work but
also a professor of tactics at the highest military academy in this
country - have been damped and overruled by those in authority - men who
had no pretensions to be considered experts in at least one of these
During the ensuing decade cycling became general amongst the civilian
population throughout the country, and was no longer considered a sign
of crankiness or misplaced enthusiasm. The cycle, however, was still an
expensive luxury; it had not yet become an economic necessity to the
masses. The result was that men with means or leisure invested in
cycles. Many of these happened to be members of Volunteer Infantry
Regiments; thus cycling sections sprang into existence throughout the
Volunteer Force. But the cycle was still too expensive an item to be
indulged in by the men of the Regular Army. The hire - purchase system
had not yet come into vogue.
During this period France, of all the Continental nations, was the only
country to turn her, attention to the cycle as an instrument of war. At
first the cyclist was only looked upon as a carrier of messages. One
enthusiast, Captain - now Commandant-Gerard, went further, and dreamt of
companies of riflemen mounted on folding cycles, the latter being his
own invention, of which, I intend to say more anon. Certain French
journalists, enthusiastic wheelmen, carried on a brie£ Press Campaign in
favour of military cycling, but this gradually fizzled out, with the net
result that each French Line Regiment had to content itself with a few
cyclist orderlies. These Captain Gerard was wont to get together at the,
autumn manoeuvres and endeavour to manoeuvre them as a company. In
short, in the matter of military cycling, France was at the end of the
nineteenth century exactly where Germany is to-day. England was still a
little ahead.
During the years of the South African War a tremendous wave of
patriotism brought a great influx of recruits into the Volunteers.
Battalions attained and exceeded their establishments, several, indeed,
expanding into two battalions. Cycling was also becoming more popular
amongst the civilian population. The joint effect of these two factors
was that in most cases the cyclist sections of infantry battalions
expanded themselves into cyclist companies, the authorised establishment
of which was laid down as 1 captain, 4 subalterns, and 116 other ranks;
at the same time, the establishment of the Cyclist Rifle Corps was
raised from 120 to 240, and shortly afterwards to 361.
There is a point here which I wish to make, as I shall have to refer to
it later on. At the commencement of hostilities, Major C. E. Liles,
commanding the Cyclist Corps, offered to take out 100 picked trained
cyclists to the front. The offer was refused, and the 100 men who would
have followed him to the front as cyclists had no alternative but to
store their cycles and to enrol in the Yeomanry or Infantry Service
Companies a - about fifteen of them also joined the C.I. V.’s as
infantry - not even as members of the cyclist section, which was formed
of cyclists from the infantry of the Inns of Court V.R.C. Now, I would
ask you to note the sequel. Some months later it was considered
desirable to raise three companies of Cyclist Volunteers for service in
South Africa. These were, in fact, raised and sent but; but the point I
wish to draw especial attention to is that the men of these three
companies could in no way be considered as the equals either in training
or as cyclists of the 100 men Major Liles had offered for service
earlier in the campaign. A large majority of them had only joined the
Volunteers since the outbreak of war, and practically none of them could
be considered as trained cyclists.
The reaction which set in on the termination of hostilities was felt
more keenly, perhaps, by Cyclist Companies than by any other Volunteer
units. Companies dwindled down to a vanishing point. In 1907, for
instance, there were extremely few Cyclist Companies who could muster
more than 2 officers and 6o men, and the average number was far below
this. Now, in view of the recent abolition of Cyclist Companies, it may
be of interest to dilate somewhat upon the result which this falling off
in numbers had upon the efficiency of the individual officers and men.
The Volunteer Cyclist was dependent, in order to attain efficiency, upon
lecture in theory by his officers and practical training on manoeuvres.
As regards to the theoretical part of his training, it was often the
case of who would instruct the instructors themselves. The average
Cyclist Company was commanded as often as not by an officer who had been
pitch – forked into the command in order to suit the interior economy of
the Battalion.
It sometimes occurred, of course, that there would be an officer who was
particularly keen on cyclist work anxious to take command; but even then
there was but little to help him in his task of self-instruction. His
brother officers knew little and cared less, if possible, about
cyclists. The Adjutant not infrequently looked upon him and his company
as a nuisance to be got rid of – to be sent off far away from the
Battalion. There, were no text-books, no military cycling literature to
which he could refer. As often as not he did not even have the advantage
of a sympathetic fellow cyclist officer with whom to discuss and argue
the, pros and cons of cyclist warfare. He had, in short, to evolve a
complete vade-mecum of cyclist training out of his own mind. It is to be
wondered at that many companies suffered: from lack of theoretical
knowledge. On the other hand, the greatest credit is due to those.
officers of Cyclist Companies, who, under these difficult circumstances,
were able to teach their men anything worth knowing.
The difficulties of practical training were almost as great. Under the
old regime an officer considered himself lucky if he got 50 per cent, of
his men present at any one parade. This immediately reduced the force
available for tactical training on any one occasion to about 3o
cyclists. When this force is divided into two in order to provide for an
attacker and a defender, it will be seen that the possibilities of
acquiring useful practical training were limited in the extreme, and
that the opportunities of training men in the all-important duty of long
marches by large columns were practically non-existent. True, it
became the custom in several Volunteer Infantry Brigades during the
period of training in camp to brigade all the cyclists together under
the command of the senior cyclist officer; but the faults of this system
were only too apparent.
It not infrequently happened that the senior officer was by no means the
most experienced. There was absolute lack of cohesion or esprit de
corps. Dissimilarity of training and inter regimental jealousies did not
tend to improve the situation, whilst frequently during the training
this or that Cyclist Company would be taken away for one or more days in
order to form a skeleton enemy for their infantry to operate against.
All the defects of this system became apparent during the Cyclist
Manoeuvres of 1906 in the vicinity of Salisbury, in which the Cyclist
Companies of no less than six Brigades took part, and which lasted for
three consecutive days.
The Cyclist Manoeuvres of 1907, during which various companies were
attached to the Cyclist Corps, bringing that regiment up to 500 strong,
proved the value of the Battalion organisation for cyclists. In this
case it may be worthy of mention that the operations were continuous for
three days and nights, and that the enemy were supplied by cavalry and
infantry units of the Regular Army.
During the present year the whole of our cyclists have been reorganised.
Companies have been abolished; in their place ten battalions of cyclists
have been created, each battalion consisting of 8 companies of 60 men
and a machine gun section; that is, 502 men and 21 officers - 523 in
all, which total includes 22 motor drivers for 11 motor transport
vehicles, 8 of which latter are imaginary and only used for mobilisation
and documentary purposes. The primary duties of these Battalions
is coast defence. Otherwise they are Army troops and are attached to
Infantry Brigades for administrative purposes - a system which most of
us trust to see simplified at an early date.
Infantry Battalions are still permitted to retain a cyclist section,
consisting of 1 officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 12 men, for
purposes of scouting and dispatch carrying.
Meanwhile in the Regular Army the cheapness of the cycle has led to its
popularity and incidentally to its use on manoeuvres in a modified
degree. As scouts and dispatch riders their services have been found
invaluable, notably in cavalry regiments, where their use has resulted
in a great saving in horse-flesh and time.
Turning to the Continent, we find that France still holds the lead,
and has one permanent Company of Cyclists forming part of various rifle
battalions, in addition to a liberal supply of cyclist orderlies and
scouts in every regiment. The doings of the French cyclists at the Grand
Manoeuvres this year will still be fresh in everybody's memory, and I
will not enlarge thereon, save to express a hope that some time in the
near future we will copy the French idea of employing cyclists in
conjunction with, or in the place of, cavalry. The Italians have
during the past year turned four companies of Bersagleiri into cyclists,
and also greatly increased this establishment during the manoeuvres.
Large bodies of cyclists operating against cavalry also formed a feature
of this year's manoeuvres in Belgium. Germany is still a
long way behind the above-named countries in the matter of military
cycling, chiefly, I am inclined to believe, for two reasons: the German
bicycle is a very inferior article; secondly, the German soldier is not
physically well adapted for cycling.
I have ventured to make a synopsis of the past history of cycling in the
hope that my subsequent remarks may carry more weight; but before I
enter upon the various Strategical and tactical effects which I maintain
the advent of the cycle should produce, it is essentially necessary that
I should make clear what I understand by the term "Trained Cyclist
Soldier." The definition which I am about to give is one, I believe,
which is generally held to be correct by all cyclist officers, and yet
it is a definition which I venture to think has not entered into the
calculations of one out of every thousand officers of other arms of the
Service. The definition which prevails generally might be summarised as
"a trained infantryman who can ride a bicycle." That is not at all my
definition. I prefer to call that man a "Cyclist Infantryman." I should
no more dream of calling him a "trained cyclist" than the average
cavalry trooper would refer to a man going through an M.I. course as a
"rough rider." I am desirous to labour this point, as I am under the
impression that outside the Territorial Cyclist Battalions there are not
a dozen officers who know what a trained cyclist is, nor what can be
expected of him. The reason of this is that we are, a horse-loving
people, and the class from which our officers are drawn are mostly born
and brought up to the cult of horse - flesh. We know a great deal more
about horses, and even motors, than we do about bicycles or riding them.
Unfortunately for the cause of military cycling the bicycle is a useful
adjunct of every - day life, and we have all learnt how to ride one. We
therefore venture to look upon ourselves as cyclists, and when we
consider the question of what utility men mounted upon cycles could be
in actual warfare, we unconsciously take ourselves as a criterion of
cycling prowess. We therefore in our ignorance say that cyclists are all
very good on the roads, but are useless across country. We bewail the
frequency of punctures, and we turn our minds to more profitable
matters. I wish to point out most emphatically that the cycling capacity
of the average gentleman, who rides a bicycle when compared to that of
the trained cyclist soldier, is as futile and incomplete as the
oarsmanship of the person who sculls about the Serpentine in summer time
compared with that of a ‘Varsity oarsman. I am anxious that this point
should be thorough appreciated.
I want you to consider the case of the class of men from whom our
Territorial Cyclist Battalions are recruited. The vast majority of them
are well educated clerks with a fair percentage of skilled mechanics and
tradesmen. These men in every -day life practically live on their
cycles. Wet or fine they cycle up to business from their homes. In
London the distance is generally a matter of five or six miles each way
with plenty of traffic to contend with. Consider that to them expertness
in cycling means so many extra minutes in bed of a morning; so much
additional time to themselves on their return at night. Not only is
their cycle their principal means of conveyance, but in most cases it is
their chief source of relaxation. In my own Battalion we have scores of
men who average 40 or 50 miles a day a - wheel; men who, when they go
away for a week - end to the sea in Essex or on the South Coast, never
dream of going by train; men who think nothing of taking a spin round
Windsor Park before they start off to business in the City, just to keep
themselves fit.
The average gentleman only uses his bicycle as a means of transit for
short distances, and is usually content to go round by the road; but the
man who looks upon his bicycle as other men look upon their horse is not
content to confine his cycling to the roads--he rides it over all sorts
of country. Consider the value of this man when he is especially trained
to ride over rough country, as is the case when he becomes a Territorial
Cyclist. Personally, I can assure you after eighteen years’ experience
in many countries, including the mountains of Wales and Spain and the
delta and deserts of Egypt, that there are uncommonly few spots on the
face of the earth where a good cyclist cannot ride. Even ploughed fields
are rideable if you go with the furrow, and fields of standing grain,
maize and clover invariably have negotiable tracks through them. It must
be remembered that a track five or six inches wide is amply sufficient.
Not only does this question of expertness a - wheel affect speed and
render cross-country riding possible, but men who ride continually
acquire great mastery over their machines, great rapidity in mounting
and dismounting; facility in finding cover for themselves and their
cycles. To give some, idea of what this means: A trained cyclist
recently underwent some tests at Hythe over the grass and shingle tracks
that intersect the ranges, which are by no means ideal tracks for
cycling. In each case time was taken from the prone firing position at
the start to the prone firing position at the finish. In addition,
therefore to rising, attaching arms, mounting, riding the distance,
dismounting, detaching arms, and assuming the prone position again, the
cyclist also had to go through the loading motions at the start and at
the finish. The official timing was: 750 yards in 79 seconds (or a
fraction under 20 miles an hour); 100 yards in 21 seconds, and 25 yards
in 5 seconds; the last named will perhaps give some idea of the
capabilities of a trained cyclist. I doubt if it is generally known that
it is nothing extraordinary for a cyclist to be able from the prone
firing position to unload, rise, pick up his cycle, attach arms, mount,
cycle 25 yards over a grass, and shingle track, halt, dismount, ground
cycle, detach arms, lie down and load, all in the short space of 5
seconds. I should not be surprised if many people imagined that it took
a trained cyclist nearly five seconds only to mount his cycle.
But I have not yet completed my definition of the trained cyclist. Drawn
as he is from the best of the middle classes, he is very quick at
assimilating information. An endeavour is made to teach every man at
least as much about scouting as is learnt by the trained scouts of
infantry battalions; in addition to this, special men are chosen to
undergo further instruction of a more advanced and technical nature. Add
to these qualifications the fact that the great majority of the men are
athletic, and when not cycling are wrestling, boxing, rowing, or playing
football, and you will have a fair idea of my definition of a trained
cyclist. It may also perhaps be of interest to note that the great
majority of cyclists are practically teetotallers. As an example I may
state that the battalion to which I belong, during the fortnight it was
in camp, although there were 340 men under canvas, only managed to
consume 18 gallons of beer.
The question now arises, given this material to work with, what are the
capabilities of the cyclist in war? I venture to suggest that this is a
question which has never yet been asked or answered officially in full.
Its solution has never been approached in what I maintain is the correct
manner to approach all new factors which may prove of military service.
I put it forward as an opinion that hitherto this important question has
been asked and answered in somewhat the following casual manner:- "Here
is a man who rides a bicycle; what shall we do with him ?"-"Set him to
carry dispatches." Then later :- "Use him to scout for his infantry
battalion." And still later:- "But this man carries a rifle; what else
can we do with him ?” And the answer comes back pat:-
"Oh, use him to seize points of vantage and defiles Finally, and
latterly :- "Let us also us him for coast defence, since his cycle
enables him to concentrate quickly at any threatened point."
I put it to you that this is not a logical method of approaching the
subject. During the past twenty years a new invention has matured which
enables a soldier to go four times as fast and four times as far as he
could possibly go on his feet. Is not this invention worthy of closer
study than it has at present attracted? I will endeavour to prove that
it is, but I will approach the subject in a more logical manner.
I have just set forth the capabilities of the individual trained
cyclist; I will now consider the capabilities of organised units of
these cyclists. I will detail their advantages and disadvantages as
compared with other arms. It will then be time to decide whether
cyclists fulfil a long-felt want or can advantageously replace or
supplement existing organisations. If not, then let cyclists be
ruthlessly expunged from the Army List. But, on the other hand, if we
find work for which cyclists are peculiarly adapted, then let us at once
hasten to train them for that work, and let us also make known to other
arms of the Service, through the medium of "Combined Training," exactly
what that work is. I will, for the purposes of this lecture, confine
myself to the exigencies of Home Defence.
A well-trained cyclist unit consists of a body of riflemen scouts
capable of moving at an average rate of 8o miles a day (or 12 miles an
hour for shorter distances) along English roads or lanes. In the case of
paths and field tracks, these figures should be reduced by one quarter.
A bicycle fitted for military service will cost about £8, and will last
from three to four years. The cycle itself offers an infinitesimal
target, seldom requires adjustment; when it does, adjustments can
usually be made in a few minutes by aid of tools carried on the cycle.
The cycle not only transports its rider, it is capable of transporting
quite a considerable amount of impedimenta, which will add greatly to
the comfort and independence of the men, such as blankets, waterproof
capes, food, extra ammunition, and last, but not least, the rifle
itself. It is an indisputable fact that a cyclist after an eighty mile
ride in full marching order is, far less tired than the infantryman who
has done his 20 miles, or the cavalryman who has done forty miles; and
in the latter case I carefully abstain from referring to the feelings or
condition of the horse. The cyclist does not suffer from sore feet, nor
does his mount ever get out of condition. The longer a campaign lasts
the fitter the cyclist becomes, the more capable of accomplishing longer
matches with less fatigue. When on the move the cyclist offers a much
smaller and at the same time more difficult target to hit than even the
infantryman. He can ride behind hedges with body bent low and remain
invisible, although moving still at full speed. His movements also are
entirely noiseless.
There is also one other advantage of supreme importance to a mobile
force. The greatest war-master of modern times has said that an army
marches on its belly. It is generally admitted that one of the most
difficult military problems is the feeding of an army in war time. Now,
the cyclist can not only without undue inconvenience carry three days'
rations in his valise, but he is also peculiarly well equipped for
obtaining the last edible commodity from a country - side. If he finds
himself in a place where food is unprocurable, it is no great hardship
to him to cycle an additional ten miles or so to a more hospitable
neighbourhood. Large cyclist units in a sparsely provisioned area could
break up into small detachments, scatter several miles in search of
food, and concentrate again when the commissariat stores had been
replenished. Even in the most rural portions of England a Cyclist
Battalion should be able to live on the country in which it is
operating, irrespective of supplies carried by its own motor transports.
Now let us glance at the reverse of the portrait. When the cyclist
leaves the, road his speed is greatly reduced; but this is also the case
with every other arm of the Service. In a close country like. England,
intersected by neither hedgerows, ditches, and fences, neither
artillery, cavalry, nor infantry will even approximately attain the
prescribed average rates of speed laid down for those, arms when
marching across country. Exception may perhaps be made in the case, of
Salisbury Plain and the Wantage Downs; but those are not localities
which an invading army is likely to visit, and moreover I have cycled
over every mile of these localities and I am prepared to assert that
although b no means ideal country for cyclists, there is no portion them
of where trained cyclists could not move at the rate of eight miles an
hour. I trust that this assertion will give food for thought when
considering the possibilities of cyclists in even a Continental theatre
of war.
Another disadvantage frequently imputed to the cycle is its liability to
puncture, its liability to skid on muddy roads. After all a puncture is
not a very serious matter, and any cyclist worth his pay should be, and
is, able to repair the damage in ten minutes at the outside. Here again
I would animadvert to another incidental advantage. In slow - moving
arms, more especially in the case of infantry, a man who once falls out
has very little hope of rejoining his unit until the end of the day.
It is different in the case of the cyclist, where the flexibility of
pace is so great. I will illustrate my meaning. Given a Company of
trained cyclists, the average tiding pace of each individual man will
probably be 13 or 14 miles an hour, and say 17 or 18 miles per hour at
full pressure. That company, when route marching, will probably not
average much more than 10 or 11 miles an hour. A man therefore who,
falls out to mend a puncture will rejoin his unit just about 24 minutes
after he fell out and at distance of about 4 miles beyond the point
where he punctured. Under these circumstances a puncture can hardly be
considered as such a serious stumbling block as, most critics would
imply. Added to this puncture statistics, carefully compiled during
several years’ experience, tend to show that a man has a puncture on the
average once in every 210 miles. There are not many arms of the Service,
I venture to suggest, where a man can boast that he has not been absent
from his place in the ranks for one reason or another for less than 24
minutes in a march of 210 miles. The question of skidding on muddy
roads is purely a question of capable riding. I do not mean to imply
that trained cyclists never have side - slips; such a contention would
be puerile. But I do contend that trained cyclists do not fall off or
come down when their cycle skids - it is merely an unpleasant moment,
much the same as when an expert rider's horse suddenly shies in the
midst of a gallop.
The only other drawback that I have heard alleged against the cyclist as
a military factor is that cyclist columns cover an inordinate, length of
road space This contention is, partly true, partly exaggerated, and the
whole of the truth is not stated. It is perfectly true that
partially trained cyclist units tail out to inordinate lengths. The new
Cyclist Training, 1908 (provisional) lays down that cyclists should ride
in file with a distance of 12 feet between succeeding files. Those of
you who have had any experience of well - trained cyclists will bear me
out when I say that this distance is quite unnecessary and unusual.
Except when riding down a steep hill or in a very up-and-down country,
it has been the endeavour of cyclist officers to make their files lock
up to a distance, of one foot, or at most, one yard, and this endeavour
is successful if the men are properly trained and officers and
non-commissioned officers do their duty.
This will give a road space for a Battalion on the march (allowing
intervals of 10 yards between, companies) of about 800 yards. I admit
that this would on the first glance appear. excessive, but it must be
borne in mind that this road space is only occupied for a very short
period - three minutes at most owing to the rate at which cyclists
travel, and that the rear man could deploy on the alignment of the front
file in just as short a space of time as could the, rear four of a
battalion of infantry marching in fours, even if the infantry moved at
the double.
It will be observed that in dealing with the alleged disadvantages under
which cyclists are supposed to suffer I have had frequent recourse to
the term "trained cyclist." It was for this same reason that in the
earlier portion of my lecture I dilated somewhat lengthily on the
qualifications of the trained cyclist. As regards the untrained cyclist,
I have no more use for him than the average critic of military cycling
has for the trained cyclists, of which he knows so little. The
partially-trained cyclist is not only useless, he is a waste of the
taxpayers' money, a danger to himself and to any troops in conjunction
with which he happens to be acting.
It is possible that in the discussion which will follow on the
conclusion of this lecture someone will endeavour to refute some of my
arguments by adducing the instance of the cyclist companies who fought
in South Africa. My reply is - and I have it on the best authority,
namely, that of an officer who commanded one of these companies, and who
was subsequently attached for several years to the Cyclist Battalion to
which I have the honour to belong - that the men who composed those
Cyclist Companies were, in comparison with the men of the battalion in
question, only partially trained.
Having set out, then, the capabilities of properly trained cyclist
units, let us consider their Strategical and tactical potency for war.
It will not be necessary to deal with cases in which their utility has
already been recognised, such as despatch carrying, seizing of defiles,
scouting for infantry, and coast defence. As information on these
subjects can be obtained from the newly published text-book, I propose
rather to lay before you other vistas of employment which have not
hitherto been recognised as peculiarly suitable to cyclists.
Firstly I submit for consideration that cyclists are peculiarly adapted
for staff work, more especially for that portion of staff work which
deals with the acquisition of information of the enemy's movements
during the progress of a campaign.
A general officer commanding an army in war time is dependent on various
sources for information of the enemy's movements. Most of these sources,
being civilian, are unreliable. History has repeatedly proved that the
STRATEGICAL cavalry, military officers in disguise, and special
reconnoitring patrols led by a staff officer in person are the only
reliable means of gathering accurate and useful information. The first
method is costly, entailing an extravagant wastage of horse - flesh, and
is an improvident use of large bodies of cavalry which we, for instance,
could ill spare, considering our weakness in this arm of the Service.
The second alternative is one that does not commend itself to British
officers, whilst the third expedient necessitates the absence (and risk
of capture) of those very officers whom a general would be most anxious
to keep about him to sift the intelligence reports brought in through
other channels. If such work as this were entrusted to specially raised
companies of Cyclist Scouts, who were trained in peace time to the
niceties of secret service work, and were educated in all the details of
the organisation, uniform, etc., of foreign armies, officered by men who
thoroughly understood what information was most required and the best
means of obtaining it, I venture to think that the, duty in question
would be satisfactorily performed with far less cost of life and with
far greater accuracy and speed than is provided for under existing
It may be argued, admitting that this employment of cyclists is sound,
that it would be easy on the outbreak of war to commandeer a company of
cyclists for this purpose from the nearest Cyclist Battalion. Such an
eleventh - hour expedient has disadvantages so obvious that there is no
need for me to name them. It must also be borne in mind that officers
commanding Cyclist Battalions are but human, and that they would hardly
be likely to detail their best officers and men for this extra
regimental duty, whilst it is clear that nothing short of the best would
be of any good at all. If it is considered that companies of specially
trained cyclists would be valuable in this connection, these companies
should be raised in peace time, say one in each command, performing part
of their annual training with the nearest Cyclist Battalion and part
thereof at a staff ride held by the G.O.C.
At other times they would receive instruction in their peculiar duties
from staff officers, and their officers might acquire much useful
practice by engaging in secret service work. A certain number of motor
cyclists would of course form part of the unit. Each man would be
required to pass an examination annually in such subjects as the
equipment, organisation, and clothing of foreign armies, military
sketching and topography, photography and telegraphy. A small bounty
might be paid annually to those who qualified in this examination.
I will leave these hypothetical staff companies in the limbo of things
uncreated, from which I have evoked them and to which they will
doubtless return, and consider the utility of the Cyclist Battalions
which actually exist. Strategically I suggest four duties to which they
can be profitably assigned, in home defence, namely:-
1. The garrisoning of an area temporarily deprived of military forces,
but liable to incursion by the enemy.
2. In conjunction with STRATEGICAL cavalry.
3. To make incursions into areas held by the enemy.
4. To operate against the enemies’ lines of communication.
Taking these four cases in the above order, I ask you to consider the
case of what provision would be made for the garrisoning of Scotland,
the North and the Midlands in the event of a hostile landing in force in
Kent and East Anglia, in the conceivable event of a large proportion of
the Regular Army being abroad?
We have been told ad nauseam that our Territorial soldiers are totally
unfit to meet equal numbers of foreign conscripts; it may therefore be
taken for granted that every available man would be wanted in the area
of hostilities in order to make-up in numbers what we lacked in
efficiency. On the other hand, both from a military and political point
of view, it would be impossible to totally denude the Midlands and the
North of troops for fear not only of another landing or a cavalry raid,
but also of local rioting. Considering the-great extent of country to be
thus garrisoned and the probability that railway communication would
become impracticable, it would either be necessary to leave very
considerable numbers of troops distributed throughout the area or to
employ a relatively insignificant number of mobile troops, such as
cyclists, at places within 24 hours' march - say 100 miles of each
other, thus setting free for service at the front great numbers of
troops who otherwise would have to be retained on garrison duty.
In a recent number of the "Cavalry Journal" I have dealt at some length
with the subject of the employment of cyclists in conjunction with
cavalry, strategically and tactically. It will suffice to summarise in
this matter. I suggest that the attachment of a Cyclist Battalion to the
STRATEGICAL cavalry would not only vastly increase the range of
operations of these latter, but would also greatly increase their
fighting value in the event of collision with the enemy; and I suggest
that the fact that this additional fighting power was at hand would
increase the moral of the STRATEGICAL cavalry, and thus enable them to
push on and undertake enterprises which they might not otherwise feel
strong enough to embark upon. The cyclists also might be employed in
this connection to create diversions and distract the enemy's attention
from the movements of the cavalry; or again, they might also be pushed
on far in front to cover the movements of the cavalry; in other words,
the Cyclist Battalion might perform the same services towards the
STRATEGICAL cavalry as these cavalry themselves were performing towards
the army.
My third and fourth points may be dealt with together, namely, the
making of incursions into areas held by the enemy and raiding his
communications. In this connection I submit that the long - distance
marching power of cyclists is in itself a factor of great STRATEGICAL
value. The fact that in 24 hours cyclists could cover 100 miles would be
likely to get on the nerves (and so affect the, moral) of small detached
columns and garrison posts. A few dashing cyclist raids at the commence,
merit of a campaign, even if unproductive of tactical results at the
time, could not fail to impress an enemy with a sense of insecurity and
force him not only to greatly increase the number of troops on his lines
of communications but also to increase the size of detached columns and
the escorts of convoys, and thus reduce his striking power at the front.
In the latter stages of the Boer war we had many excellent examples of
what a few hundred mobile men can do to upset the calculations of a
relatively enormous garrison distributed over a wide area, and the
incalculable damage that they can inflict in the matters of moral and
prestige, not to mention more tangible results, and these results were
obtained notwithstanding the fact that we had in South Africa large
numbers of equally mobile troops wherewith to cope with the wandering
Boer commandoes. Now, a Cyclist Battalion in England would be infinitely
more mobile than even Christian de Wet at his best, and at present there
is no Continental Power possessed of equally mobile troops wherewith to
hound them down.
To give an illustration of my meaning I will ask you to consider the
possibilities of an imaginary situation, and one in which I place the
cyclists in an infinitely more difficult position than our Cyclist
Battalions would occupy towards an invading army. Imagine that the ten
Cyclist Battalions of the Territorial Army do not exist. Imagine that to
- night three battalions of well-trained cyclists were to invade our
islands, landing respectively in Forfarshire, Yorkshire, and Dorset. I
want you to consider what steps would be necessary with the whole of the
Home Army at your disposal to bring those Cyclist Battalions to bay and
force them to surrender. I ask you to consider how many days it would be
likely to take to effect their capture; and, lastly, I ask you to
attempt to form an estimate of the immense damage to prestige, life, and
property those fifteen hundred men would have done in the meanwhile. I
think you will find that the more deeply you go into the details of this
imaginary raid the more feasible it will appear to you. I venture to add
that I believe the easiest solution of the situation would be to mount
large bodies of infantry on commandeered bicycles, for railways and
telegraphs would be tampered with, at all events within the zone of
action of each raiding party.
I will now deal with cyclists from the tactical aspect; but before
entering into details I am anxious to point out that I deprecate the
employment of cyclists in the firing line when other troops are
available in sufficient quantity to obtain the desired objective. The
cyclist is, or should be, too valuable. Immobile in the firing line, he
can only be counted as one rifle; on the flanks or rear of the enemy he
becomes an unknown quantity, menacing retreat and communications. There
are circumstances in which a commander would be justified in sacrificing
his cyclists in order to obtain some definite object; but it should be
taken as an axiom that when two armies are joined in battle the cyclists
should be withdrawn from the firing line and replaced by infantry. It
would be sheer waste to risk the most mobile troops in a situation where
they become totally immobile, and where less mobile troops, such as
infantry, would attain equally good results.
In a battle in which all arms are engaged the objective of the cyclists
should be the extreme flanks and rear of the enemy. In the event of
victory the enemy's retreat will be greatly hampered, more especially by
the shooting down of gun teams withdrawing from the action, and by the
successive occupation of defiles and of commanding positions. In
the event of failure of their own side to attain success, the cyclists
could greatly impede the movements of the enemy's reinforcements, more
particularly the replenishing of hi's ammunition supplies.
In the event of defeat, it would become the duty of the cyclists to
assist the rear guard, and this is one of the occasions which would
justify their inclusion in the firing line. '
When acting on the defensive in conjunction with a force of all arms,
cyclists might be employed either with the general or local reserves,
being held in readiness to rapidly reinforce any threatened portion of
the firing line, or else to hold until the last moment some outlying
work or post in advance of the general line of defence. They might also
be usefully employed like machine guns, to hold salients. But a far more
legitimate use for the cyclist would be to employ him far out on the
exposed flank. Here he would be in a position to outflank any attempt of
the enemy's to turn the flank of the main position, and yet, owing to
his mobility, he would be capable of being brought back to join the main
defence if circumstances rendered this course advisable; also there
would be no fear of his being cut off, owing to his speed of movement.
In tactical conjunction with cavalry, cyclists would prove invaluable as
a rear guard, securing these from pursuit by hostile cavalry. I do
not-think that even in England cyclists could advantageously supplant
mounted men in the duties of protective cavalry, but I am of opinion
that in the cases where large bodies of troops are concerned, the
addition of a Battalion of Cyclists to the protective cavalry would
prove of great assistance, not only to the cavalry themselves but to the
troops protected. They would be admirably adapted for the purposes of
forming a flank guard or an advancing screen ahead of the columns, or it
must be remembered that a Cyclist Battalion extended over a front of 20
miles can concentrate in 40 minutes at a central point, or at either
flank in about 1 hour and 35 minutes.
I have one other suggestion to make as regards our own cyclists, but I
am afraid that the proposal is so unorthodox that it may not be taken
seriously. The suggestion is that a force which contained a sufficiently
large number, of cyclists might, except when actually in the face of a
hostile force, almost entirely dispense with night outposts. It will be
admitted that an enemy making a night march or night attack - at all
events in England would be obliged to keep to the roads until it
approached close, to the bivouac. The scouts of this force also would
not begin to work across country until they were within 5 or 6 miles, at
most, of their objective. I suggest that a weak screen of standing
cyclist patrols watching all roads at a radius of, say, 10 miles from
the camp would secure the same immunity from surprise as would a large
force of, infantry on outpost. If each standing patrol were also
furnished with a motor cyclist to give early warning of any hostile
movement, I maintain that this warning would reach the camp at least two
and a half hours before the enemy's infantry, or one and a quarter hours
before the enemy's cavalry; much longer warning, at all events, than
would be secured by an ordinary outpost line. I need- not enlarge upon
the great boon which immunity from night outpost duty would confer upon
the column, enabling it to make much longer marches by day. At the same
time, it would be no hardship to the cyclists, provided always that in
addition to this duty they were not expected to undertake extensive
other duties during the day.
It may be of interest here to note the views held on the Continent as to
the employment of cyclists; but before doing so it is necessary to
emphasise the fact that in no case do Continental military cyclists
attain anything approaching the cycling powers possessed by the expert
cyclists of our own Territorial Army. This fact necessarily narrows the
field of their utility. France, until this year, looked upon cyclists as
infantrymen, who mounted their cycles when the country was favourable.
This year she has experimented with them, and with great success, both
in conjunction with and also in lieu of STRATEGICAL cavalry.
Germany looks upon cyclists as Army Corps troops for purposes of
supplementing the divisional protective cavalry.
Belgium is inclined to allot to them the roving commission of
free-lances, for the purpose of, raiding the enemy's communications.
Italy remains undecided whether to use them as contact squadrons or as
frontier guards.
Before I conclude my lecture I desire to make a few suggestions as to
equipment and organisation, which, in my opinion, would tend to increase
the efficiency of our Cyclist Battalions.
Firstly, there is no provision in the present establishment for motor
cyclists. These I consider are absolutely indispensable for the purposes
of carrying information and despatches rapidly from one body of cyclists
to another. They are totally unsuited for scouting or joining the firing
line by reason of their unwieldiness, liability to get out of order, and
the noise they make; but they might very frequently replace signalling
communication. There should be not less than 20 in the normal
establishment of every Cyclist Battalion, 2 with each company and 4 with
Secondly, each Cyclist Battalion possesses (on paper) two machine guns.
It is proposed to supply these with motor transport. Some twelve years'
experience of a cycle - drawn machine gun has convinced me that this
latter is the more suitable method of traction, provided that the new
light - weight Maxim, together with the M-ark IV tripod, can be served
out. It is easy to design a light carriage on the principle of a trailer
which would carry the gun ready mounted on its tripod, and all that
would be necessary to bring it into action would be to lift the tripod
bodily out, releasing it from a spring catch. While considering this
question I would commend to the notice of tacticians the possibilities
of cycle - drawn machine gun batteries of 8 guns, the attachment also
being mounted on cycles, forming a portion of the divisional troops. The
Maxim is essentially a weapon of opportunity, and the more speedily the
gun can be transported from place to place the more opportunities are
likely to be available.
The progress also of wireless telephony is being closely watched by
cyclists in the hope that, when efficient working over distances of
about ten to twenty miles has been secured, Cyclist Battalions will be
allowed to add a wireless telephone section to their establishment.
As regards armament, it may not be generally known that in future
cyclists are not to be provided with bayonets. It follows that there is
no longer any excuse for not issuing to them the new short rifle, which
would be a far handier weapon for them to carry on their cycles than the
present L.E. rifle. But if cyclists are to be deprived of their
bayonets, I wish. most emphatically to say that some other auxiliary
means of defence should be supplied to them. In war time cyclists will
have to incur tremendous risks; they will have to be very daring, both
individually and collectively, in order to obtain the best results. The
cyclist will not be very daring-it is contrary to human nature-unless he
feels confidence in himself and in his means of defence. I suggest that
every cyclist should be armed with a revolver. He may seldom have
occasion to use it, but its mere possession will give him great
confidence, and to obtain information he will venture in areas infested
with the enemy's cavalry patrols, which otherwise discretion would
counsel him to leave severely alone unless he wished to be cut down by
horsemen whilst riding along defenceless upon his machine.
There are, more especially on the Continent, critics who advocate the
use of the folding cycle for military purposes. I cannot but believe
that these must mostly be people who have never ridden a folding
bicycle. It is heavy, lacks rigidity and strength, entails loss of time
in folding and unfolding, and even when it has been folded and is
strapped on to the back in such a manner, by the way, that it cannot
possibly be unstrapped except by the assistance of a comrade, it is the
most unwieldy burthen I have ever carried.
The advantages claimed for it, even if real, would hardly compensate for
these drawbacks; but the advantages are theoretical rather than
practical. It is claimed that cyclists when they wish to cross fields,
etc., will dismount, fold their bicycles and stow them on, their backs.
I was once the proud possessor of a folding bicycle, which I used for
experimental purposes, and I can assure you that fur half a dozen
excellent reasons nothing would induce me to take one on service, or if
I did it would never be folded except when the spring got out of order
and it collapsed automatically, which is one of its unexpected habits.
The only real advantage which can be claimed for it is the facility with
which it can be stored or transported by rail. I take it, if ever this
country were invaded, those railway systems which were intact would be
congested by the transport of slow moving units, and that cyclists would
have to move by road.
Lastly, I wish to animadvert to a question of training. There can be no
real efficiency without cohesion; cohesion is only obtainable by
similarity of training. It is not sufficient to lay down in a small
official volume the general lines on which training should be carried
out; it is essential that all Cyclist Battalions should train alike in
every detail. To attain this end two things are necessary: a class of
instruction for young cyclists officers and a central cycling authority.
This latter want could be supplied by the appointment of a competent
officer as Inspector - General of Cyclists. It would be part of his duty
to assimilate the training of all Cyclist battalions, and also to attend
to those matters which are dealt with by Brigade Commanders in the case
of infantry. It is important, I venture to think, that this officer
should combine with other necessary qualifications an experience and a
knowledge of cycling and of cyclists' capabilities, requirements and
duties, at least as great as, if not greater, than that possessed by the
officers of the battalions it would be his duty to inspect and
At the present moment cyclists is the only arm of the Service in which
we are better supplied than the armies of other nations. Let us at least
maintain this lead. I put it to you, under existing circumstances is not
the study of the tactical and STRATEGICAL potency of the cycle in
warfare incumbent, upon officers of all arms of the Service? Is not the
cycle as an engine of war worthy of greater consideration than has been
accorded to it in the past?
Colonel T. STURMY CAVE (Commanding South Midland Brigade):-In the few
observations that I have to make, I hope my friend Captain Trapmann will
not think that I do not entirely appreciate the value of his paper and
his zeal and ability as a cyclist officer, of which I have had
experience, as he was on my staff at the cycle manoeuvres in 1906. I do
not, however, think he takes a sufficiently broad view of the cyclist in
war. He seems to desire to confine the energies of the cyclist in war to
isolated cyclist battalions. What has recently taken place in reference
to our 2nd line military cyclists is as follows : There existed in the
Volunteer Force 8,ooo cyclists, who were all members of cyclist
companies of infantry battalions, with the exception of about a couple
of hundred who belonged to that cyclist unit of which Captain Trapmann
is so excellent an ornament. We had 8,000 men available. All these have
been disbanded with the exception of Captain Trapmann’s 200 and 2,800
have been enlisted in cyclist battalions with an establishment of 5,230.
Now, if these cyclist battalions are to efficiently perform the role
that Captain Trapmann has sketched out for them, and that appears to be
contemplated in the text books recently issued by the War Office,
instead of there being 3,000, which is the present strength, or even
5,230, which is the full establishment of the 10 battalions authorised,
there should be a hundred battalions, with an establishment of 50,000.
Surely this will be necessary if they are to form a watching line along
the coast of Great Britain, or even confine themselves to those portions
of the coast where landings are available. Although I wish every success
to the 10 battalions authorised, I say that even a good thing may be
purchased at too high a cost. If it be that this impoverished country
cannot afford the few shillings that are necessary for the cyclist
companies of the infantry battalions and for these cyclist battalions as
well, then I cannot help thinking that it would be much better to devote
its money to the cyclist companies of the infantry battalions; nay, I am
convinced that from a broad military point of view the country which
sees the desirability of every infantry battalion having its cyclist
company, of every cavalry regiment having its cyclist company, and of
every brigade of artillery having its cyclist company will greatly
increase its military efficiency. It is, so to speak, a very cheap
organisation, because the cycle eats nothing, it costs but little, and
it takes up very little stable room and accommodation. All it wants is a
small pot of oil and a few patches of India - rubber to repair the
tyres. I feel convinced that the country which adds to its establishment
these cycle details to every one of its arms will score enormously if it
meets an enemy that has not taken that advantage. I am very glad indeed
to hear that other Continental nations have not taken that step, and I
hope that our own authorities will have the wisdom to do so before,
long. Captain Trapmann alluded in one portion of his lecture to the
advantage of cyclists co - operating with other arms. I cannot help
thinking that both in scouting and in screening we can apply the word
"screening" to all the advance guards and rear guards and flank guards
and outposts they will be immensely, valuable; but if the force that is
to be screened has its own units, its own comrades to do it-as with the
old cycle companies - it will be a very great advantage. Captain
Trapmann has alluded to the cyclist manoeuvres in igo6. I had the honour
of commanding those manoeuvres, and Captain Trapmann was one of my staff
officers. He says that all the disadvantages of the regimental system of
cyclists were then shown to exist. I beg to disagree with him entirely.
There was one very great advantage which was shown to exist, and that
was that 1,200 cyclists came forward and took part in those manoeuvres.
They demonstrated many things that were necessary. They demonstrated, in
the first place, the desirability of similar manoeuvres in 1907 and in
1908, which I very much regret to say we did not get, because during
those two years an effort was going on to limit and stop and cut up
these infantry battalions in order to make the cyclist battalions. That,
I think, was a very great pity. Those manoeuvres demonstrated the
desirability of cyclists always co - operating with other arms. We very
greatly felt the want of mounted infantry in those cyclist manoeuvres.
Cycles get on excellently as long as they have to be ridden over grass
or on the plain or along the beautiful roads that you always find in
England; but when it comes to a stretch of moor or heath we felt very
much indeed the want of men mounted on horses, and if had been' possible
to have had a couple of batteries of horse artillery as well, we should
have found still greater advantages. To my mind, for strategic and also
for tactical operations you want a combination of all the arms; the idea
of cyclists operating independently is a mistake. The greater variety we
can get, and the more completely we can get all our arms to co-operate
together, the better they will be able to fulfil their military
functions. A splendid organisation of cyclists would be a section with
every infantry company and a section with every battery forming part of
the company or battery. These would form a company as part of every
battalion of infantry and brigade of artillery. So far as the infantry
organisation is concerned, when the brigade commander desires, his four
companies can be used as a cyclist battalion. Captain Trapmann has told
us that for outpost duties cyclists would be invaluable. I agree; I have
tried it. I have marched an infantry force through sixty miles of
country with a couple of cyclist companies which were responsible for
all our screening work, both by day and by night. We frequently see in
reading history that the infantry are often marched off their legs, and
get on to the battle - field in such a condition that they have not
sufficient physical energy left to fight to really do themselves
justice. If all the screening work was done for them by their own
trained cyclists they would be able to go on to the battle-field fit,
because it would obviate the necessity for the marching men being every
third night on outpost duty. Fifteen or twenty miles’ march is nothing
to a cyclist; he does it so quickly that it gives him ample time to rest
and yet do his work at night. It does seem to me that if we are to learn
anything from the last two campaigns, one lesson is certainly, that in
future divisions will have to march on a very broad front, perhaps on
parallel roads ten or fifteen miles apart, and if each divisional
general had his own cyclist battalions formed as described, with the
infantry cyclist companies under officers whom he knew and who knew him,
it would be an immense advantage. They would always be there, whereas if
they had to be told off from independently - formed units, the
probability is they would not be there at all. I have alluded to the
fact of their being there by saying that in 1906 we had from six
brigades 1,200 cyclists. I greatly appreciate the value to the infantry
of having cyclists with us. Captain Trapmann mentions that cyclists
would be sent out perhaps to take up a position for the infantry to
attack, and he seems to look upon that with some degree of contempt. I
beg to point out to him that no more valuable instruction can be
obtained for the cyclists themselves than that they should do so, or
that they should be sent on to reconnoitre a position before the
marching infantry. I say, send cyclists on to reconnoitre, but let us
have our own cyclists to do it - men that know us and that we know, and
not an independent party that very likely would not be there at all.
Last year, as our cyclist companies were abolished, I officially applied
to have a cyclist battalion attached to the brigade in order that I
might have the advantage of their services in training my own infantry,
and I venture to think that they possibly might have learned some
thing-a good deal, perhaps - with us; more, I think, than if they had
been taken out by themselves, but owing to the change of system they
were not forthcoming. I would like once more to insist upon the
desirability of the old plan of a company for each battalion being
resuscitated as soon as possible, and I do think with regard to the
whole of our Regular Army they will do wisely and well if they institute
a cyclist company with every battalion of infantry, with every battery
of artillery, and with every regiment of cavalry.
Colonel F. W. Romilly, C.V.O., C.B., D.S.D., Commanding Scots
Guards:-I did not intend to make any remarks on this paper, but I rise
for the purpose of entirely associating myself with the views put
forward by Colonel Cave, as to the mistake which has been made in taking
away the cycle sections from the infantry battalions. In saying that I
do not wish in the least to criticise or disparage the cyclist
battalions. I entirely recognise the great value of cyclist battalions,
but I think those who are connected with them do not recognise the
immense value of the companies which belong to the infantry battalions.
When I was in command of a battalion in South Africa I had charge on
several occasions of a convoy of 300 wagons, and yet I had not a single
mounted man. The fatal range of a bullet is one and a half miles, and of
a field gun three miles, and yet I had to protect my flanks and to have
an advance guard and rear guard without a single mounted man in the
battalion whom I could send to deny the enemy the occupation of ground
one and a half or three miles away on either flank. If I had mounted
infantry or cyclists I could do it, but I could not do it with men on
foot that is an absolute certainty. Naturally the first thing one has to
do in such case is to extemporise some mounted infantry or cyclists, so
that you can protect your flanks. Allusion was made to the mounted
infantry of the Inns of Court, which happens to be a battalion of the
brigade I have the honour to command. Personally I consider the Inns of
Court Cyclist Company is most efficient. They were always trained -
against the mounted infantry company; those two companies were always
operating against each other, and I think those two bodies of mounted
infantry and cyclists attained a high standard of efficiency, though I
admit it is not the same standard of efficiency that the commanding
officer of a Regular cyclist battalion might appreciate. Any comment
upon the efficiency of the cyclists in that battalion I take as a
reflection upon myself as Brigadier. As to the power of cyclists being
able to go across country. I attach no, importance, although it may be
useful on occasion. I appreciate the value of cyclists in many possible
ways, but that is not one of them. I think the author has made a rather
dangerous suggestion, in asserting that cyclists are able to live on the
country - that cyclists dashing about should go and rob the hen roosts
everywhere. I think that would be unfortunate for the troops that
followed afterwards. As to the power of battalions of cyclists to make
invasions, I think six penny worth of tintacks put down in each village
would be very effective in stopping them. I distinctly believe in the
very great importance of cyclists in the conduct of rear-guards. I
absolutely believe in the many uses of cyclist battalions; I believe in
their efficiency and value, I think even to a greater extent than is
expressed by the lecturer, but I am not going to indicate all the points
because it might benefit those very inferior Germans whom we do not wish
to benefit.
Lieut-Colonel GILBERTSON SMITH, 25th Bn. (Cyclists), County of London
:-I am afraid I stand here to-day as the upholder of the cyclist
battalion against the cyclist company; but I must say that if all the
cyclist companies which I have had the pleasure of meeting from time to
time had been of the same efficiency and quality of training as Colonel
Sturmy Cave's Hampshire battalion, there would be a great deal in what
he says. My experience during the past twenty years has included cyclist
companies, but unfortunately those cyclist companies in a good many
cases did not come up to that standard of efficiency in training which
they ought to possess. It is not their fault. As the lecturer has, said,
there was a great deal of difficulty in training the officers, who had
themselves to train the men, and in my opinion the cyclist battalion is
the only way to really and efficiently train the cyclist, inasmuch as if
you get your officer young, as a subaltern, he goes through all ranks
until finally as colonel of the battalion he is in a position to know
exactly what kind of efficiency he ought to get from his men. At the
same time, I should not be unwilling myself to see the cycle sections
increased to a certain extent, provided there was any proper machinery
for bringing those sections or companies together in a battalion, as
suggested by Colonel Cave, on mobilisation. I would like to remind you
that the whole essence of Mr. Haldane's scheme is that every unit should
be properly equipped. If you are going to bring together six or eight
cyclist companies and form them into a battalion, where is their
quartermaster coming from, and where is their food coming from? They
must have food; they cannot be expected to go about all over the country
looking for that. Who is going to look after the ammunition? Who is to
be their doctor? In other words, unless you arrange that the battalion
when formed shall have an efficient staff, who in peace time are
accustomed to work together, you are going to do more harm than good,
any way to your own side, and benefit the enemy, because these men will
have no one to look after their comforts and direct them generally. With
regard to the remark that was made by Colonel Cave about the Salisbury
manoeuvres, I must maintain, with all deference to him, that at any rate
on that side of the line on which I was operating the defects of the
cyclist company system was very apparent. I do not want to go into
details; I simply say that I did notice defects which I will tell him of
if he cares to hear them. I maintain that the manoeuvres which we had in
East Yorkshire last year, where a battalion together with certain
attached companies carried on operations for a week, were far more
successful, although possibly on a smaller scale than those held on
Salisbury Plain in 1906. I attribute the success not to the fact that I
was in command of the operations, but because those attached companies
had the advantage of the organisation which the 26th Middlesex Battalion
had been trained in for several years past. I cannot agree with the
remarks Colonel Romilly has made about cyclists going across country. I
know he has had the advantage of war experience and I have not, but from
a cyclist's point of view I can quite bear out what the lecturer said,
that the- trained cyclist experiences no difficulty as a rule in getting
across country. Then he threw out a suggestion with regard to tin-tacks.
I am afraid they would not be considered at all by the trained cyclist,
because he is accustomed, if necessary, not even to patch the tyre but
to ride on the rim. Therefore the tin-tacks would not much upset him.
There is one point on which I do not altogether agree with the lecturer,
and that is, I think it is a very great pity that the bayonet has been
done away with so tar as the cyclist is concerned. The bayonet is not
what it was in the days when I first joined the Volunteer Force, a very
long weapon. It is now a very short one, and does not materially
interfere with the cyclist. It is not a very great weight on his belt,
and I must confess that I think it would be a very great advantage to
him in meeting cavalry. There is no doubt about it that, so far as the
Territorial Cyclist Battalions are concerned, they will have to meet the
cavalry of foreign armies, and I personally think it would be a very
great advantage to a man if he knew that if necessary he could slip off
his cycle, detach his rifle, fix his bayonet, and then, in the language
of the old infantry training, he is quite the equal of any mounted man
in a single combat. The bayonet has been taken away; I do not know for
what reason. I have found on many occasions in peace manoeuvres that the
bayonet would have been exceedingly useful to advance guards or scouts
moving in advance, and, I hope I may live to see the bayonet restored as
a weapon to the military cyclist.
Colonel A. BROADWOOD, C.V.O., Commanding East Midland Brigade - I do
not wish to detain the meeting for more than a few minutes, but I rise
as an officer who has for the last ten years had a very great deal to do
with the Volunteers. I commanded a very large regimental district in
Scotland, in which I had 7,000 men, and therefore I think I may say that
I am greatly interested in this lecture. I thoroughly agree with what
Colonel Cave said as to the companies being taken away from the
battalions. I have been the Brigadier of many different brigades, and I
have always found that my cyclists were of the greatest help in training
my brigade. They were generally the keenest men in the battalions from
which they came. That is especially the case in Scotland, where we had
very good companies, particularly the Queen's Edinburgh, a corps of
which you have no doubt all heard as one of the best shooting corps in
the Volunteer Service. I think in warfare these cyclist companies should
never be taken away from the Brigadier; they should be always under his
command and used for his own purpose, and not as I gather is the plan
now adopted, be massed together for other purposes. I think higher
training would be very valuable in these cyclist battalions. I hope that
in the future a school may be established through which officers and non
commissioned officers serving in cyclist companies can go and get a good
training, like the School of Musketry or Signalling, or anything of that
sort. I think such a school should be established for cyclists, because
they do exceedingly good work, and I know they have the keenest men
among them. I have no doubt that the force is being trained better now,
but at the same time, it seems to me that we should very much deprecate
being deprived of the use of our brigade cyclists, or that they should
be massed together away from the brigade, so that when we go into camp
or manoeuvres a body of cyclists is attached to us from cyclist
battalions of whom, however efficient they may be, we practically know
Major R. A. JOHNSON (Brigade-~Major South Midland Infantry Brigade)
:- I should like to add a humble word of hearty agreement with Colonel
Romilly and Colonel Cave in their protest against what appears to so
many of us to be the absolutely mad abolition of our invaluable brigade
cyclist companies. But before doing so, may I say that I do not at all
wish - quite the contrary - to depreciate the value of Colonel
Gilbertson Smith's and Captain Trapmann's cyclist battalion. I have had
many a good day with this battalion, and I know how thoroughly efficient
it 15. I have no hesitation in saying that, so far as cyclist work
proper goes, there never was any body of cyclists who could hold a
candle to the London Cyclist Corps. I desire to say that quite frankly
and freely, because I do not want there to be any misunderstanding when
I now proceed to attack what I may perhaps call excessive esprit de
velocipede. It seems to me that what has just happened about military
cycling in England is what has often happened before in our Army. We
have here a distinct move, and so far a successful move, for the
formation of a new arm. There are, of course, properly speaking only
three real arms-infantry, cavalry, artillery, but from time to time we
constantly see the arrival of what I may call a fourth wheel to the
tricycle. I do not want to be very contentious, or to arouse passion in
this Hall, but history of the mounted infantry movement illustrates the
point I wish to make. Mounted infantry is extremely valuable when used
properly, namely, in conjunction with infantry, exactly as the cyclist
companies mounted on cycles were used by their infantry, commanders. But
as the mounted infantry rose in dignity and usefulness we saw a clear
attempt, which has now, I am glad to think been quashed, to form a new
arm, cavalry, infantry, artillery, and mounted infantry, and a serious
attempt to raise independent regiments of mounted infantry. I think this
is exactly what has occurred with the cyclists. The cyclists felt, as
the mounted infantry did, the disadvantage, as Colonel Gilbertson Smith
has pointed out, of not being always free to develop on their own lines,
of always being the handmaids of le infantry with which they are
associated. And then grew up a demand among the enthusiastic for
independence. A similar movement was made 150 years ago, which
culminated in the formation of the Dragoons.; there was this recent
movement, which failed, to form mounted infantry regiments; and now
comes this last instance of a declaration of independence by the
cyclists, which has for the time succeeded. In other words, Colonel
Gilbertson Smith and Captain Trapmann have persuaded the General Staff
to deliver the cyclists from their inferior position as the bondsmen or
handmaids of the infantry, and to exalt them into something very
magnificent, very grand, and very admirable-eleven cyclist battalions,
to wit, with the special and honourable duty of being the first to
speak-and speak alone-with our enemies in the gate. Referring to what
Colonel Romilly said about his South African experience, I should rather
like to dot the i’s of what he told you, because I happen to have had
the honour of serving under him on the few occasions on which he was
permitted to have a few mounted Troops. As he told you, he very often
was without a single mounted, man, and the result was that he had to
extemporise them. I well remember some gallant Scots Guard's who were
mounted on horses and dignified in the Army List by the name of
"Tempest's Scouts." General Barrington Campbell, who commanded the
brigade in question, did not believe in these extemporised Guards, men;
he said he did not want his Guardsmen riding all over the country
mounted on horses and looking for all the world like monkeys on sticks;
and in my opinion General Barrington Campbell was perfectly right. The
proper solution would have been for each Guards battalion to have had
with them permanently and in peace time a certain proportion of men who
could ride either bicycles or horses, but who were always members of
their battalion and under the orders of the battalion commander, not
waiting till war came to be formed into a scratch team and receive the
dignity of a separate entity and the name of Tempest's or anybody else's
Scouts. Our argument applies with equal force to the cyclists. Cyclist
battalions have been formed as superior beings altogether apart from the
infantry., with their own esprit de corps, their own traditions, and
their own ‘’monkey tricks," of which Captain Trapmann is so proud,
showing, a fine contempt for all the other arms of the Service and a
remarkably good opinion of themselves. This is all very well in peace
time, but what will happen on mobilisation for war? Why, of course we
shall have the infantry brigadiers calling out for a proportion of
cyclists, and Colonel Gilbertson Smith's gallant battalion will
be-broken up into little bits and allotted to the various brigades of
the London Division. They certainly will not have the advantage of
serving under Colonel Gilbertson Smith or Captain Trapmann. Both of
those officers will probably be relegated to duties of Station Staff
Officers, just as the colonels commanding the artillery brigades were in
South Africa. At such time many special military talents will be
entirely wasted, which will be a thousand pities, as they would be most
valuable officers if they - could bring themselves to place their
knowledge of cyclist work at the disposal of the infantry brigades. Why,
in the name of goodness, should we take such care to separate and train
permanently away from the other arms cyclists who admittedly when war
comes will be redistributed to the units, and who will then be strangers
to those units, with bickering and ill - feeling as the inevitable
consequence? If every brigade of infantry must in war time have its
proportion of cyclists, why should not the cyclists always be trained
with the brigades, so that infantry and cyclists may be accustomed to
each other when they have t o take the field together in war? I see no
reason or justice in the argument that if you take the scattered cyclist
companies of a brigade and put them together every year as a cyclist
battalion, as the occasion arises, and send them sixty miles to seize
some position, and so forth, in accordance with what I may call the
'STRATEGICAL uses of cyclists, it is impossible to provide such a force
when on detached duty with a quartermaster, a medical officer and the
rest. Surely the independence of such a detached force can easily be
arranged for. We all admit that for training purposes it is very much
better that there should be a major or a colonel commanding four
companies of cyclists. It is admitted that it is :I most valuable thing
that these four companies of cyclists should be trained to act together
and should be able to take the field' together as an independent force
for a day or two without having to draw upon other units for transport
and supply, etc. Now, if you have one company of cyclist to each
battalion that gives you a battalion of four companies to each brigade.
Let that battalion be accustomed to make excursions away from the
infantry brigade for a day or two at a time; let them have their own
quarter master and their own medical officer, and above all their own
separate transport; they will then serve the double purpose - the
STRATEGICAL purpose of making excursions away from the infantry whom
they serve, and they will not at the same time deprive us of what
certainly seems to me to be their most valuable purpose, that of being
handmaids-a glorious service, although no doubt a secondary service-to
the infantry; the eyes and ears of the infantry C.O., the darlings of
the infantry brigadier and the infantry divisional general-the people
who are sleepless by night and by day, who can bear any amount of
fatigue, cover any amount of distance, live on very little indeed, and
who, although perhaps worn to attrition during the course of a campaign,
will at least have served this purpose : that they keep the infantry
quiet and intact for the great day of battle. I have only to add that I
have had a good deal of experience with cyclist work on peace
manoeuvres, and, interesting and valuable as it is, heaven defend me
from ever having to lead one thousand cyclists in a pitched battle. Our
business as cyclists is that of being the eyes and ears of the army, to
wear ourselves to skin and bone, to do the scouting and the screening;
but if you intend to put me in actual line of battle with a thousand
bicycles to look after-it may be the fact that I have never been trained
in a cyclist battalion, or it may be my tactical good sense I would
rather leave the cycle behind and be a plain infantryman in a plain,
straightforward infantry fight. In conclusion, we infantrymen have no
objection-if it seems good to the General Staff-to the raising of
special cyclist battalions for special duties in coast defence, but we
do protest as strongly as we dare against the tactical heresies which
have prompted the extinction of the cyclist companies and sections,
which we know to be invaluable, in order to find the funds for the
creation of a fourth arm, the value of which is at least problematical.
My genuine admiration of the General Staff and for most of what they are
doing for the Army is so great that I have no hesitation in giving it as
my opinion, for what it may be worth, that in depriving the infantry
brigadiers of their cyclists, the General Staff have made a big tactical
blunder, the results of which, when war comes, if not before, they will
hasten, perhaps when it is too late, to undo.
Lieut-Colonel H. WOOLF (Transvaal Cyclist Corps):- It was far from my
intention to join in the discussion to-day, and I therefore made no
notes while the paper was being read. The discussion seems to have
concerned itself, so far as I have been able to gather, with the
question as to whether cyclists should be included in the infantry
battalions, as in times gone by, or whether they should be separate
units. There are no doubt pros and cons to be considered in connection
with each suggestion. For over three years I was captain of a company of
cyclists which was attached to the Transvaal Scottish Infantry in the
Transvaal, and after that I formed, and to - day have the honour of
commanding, a regiment of cyclists. The difficulty when we are joined to
the company is one which has already been stated, that the commanding
officers neither appreciate the proper uses to which the cyclist should
be put, nor do they know, when it comes to field day or camp, or
anything of that kind, what to do with them. We were invariably utilised
either as scouts or despatch riders or something of that kind and I do
not think we were put to the legitimate uses to which we were entitled.
On the other hand, for four or five - years my experience has been that
whenever any quick work had to be done, whenever there was an important
position to be taken, and whenever there was any night work or anything
that required a certain amount of discrimination and at the same time
-despatch, we, as cyclists, were invariably selected for that work. The
reason, I take it, was that in the first place I had always had the men
trained thoroughly as infantry before ever they were taught to mount a
cycle, or at any rate, to, make a raid on a cycle. They thoroughly
understood how to use their rides, and latterly how to use their
bayonets. The consequence was that we first had a I trained soldier in
the ordinary accepted sense of the term. Then when we came into action
we were always placed either on one flank or the other, as the case may
be, and it invariably happened. that we not only outflanked those to
whom we were opposed, but we were able to get entirely in their rear and
prevent them from retiring when they desired to do so, we had them
entirely rolled, up, as it were, in a bag. I am, therefore, of opinion
that while it is desirable that the infantry regiments should be served
by cyclists, not as a company but in a limited number, yet I maintain
that if the cyclists are properly utilised, there is no question as to
their utility in actual times of stress. As has been so carefully
explained to you by Captain Trapmann, when it is needed we can, move
infinitely' more rapidly than the cavalry, and at the same, time we are
comparatively fresh at the end of the work, provided it has not been too
severe, and that we have not, as we often have to do in the Transvaal,
to move too long a distance over the veldt, which is exceedingly hard
It is somewhat late now, and while a good deal more could he said in
connection with this subject, I do not think it is wise to weary, you by
going into any more details. I hope, however, an opportunity will be
given before I return, at the end of January or February, whereby this
subject, which 'is open to a great deal of discussion, may be further
Major J. M. BESANT, Brigade-Major, Norfolk and Suffolk Brigade:- In
order to obviate prejudices of other branches of the Service against
this, the youngest, excrescence, it is perhaps necessary to constantly
define its functions clearly, and to show that its existence does not
encroach upon or interfere with their functions, but fits in with them.
The first, and to my mind the most important, duty of cyclist units is
that of observation, combined with defence, of all assailable parts of
our coast line, assisted by the local Coastguards, ex-Coastguards,
fishermen, and any who can be found capable and willing. On the very
first alarm (the personnel of cyclist battalions being already detailed
for their coast war posts), it should be possible by a simple scheme, of
which I have collected details, to assemble those units at their posts
within a few hours, and to maintain them there if necessary for at least
14 days without camp equipment or commissariat, and with a minimum of
motor transport. This transport should provide for such services as
supply of ammunition, repairs, medical aid, and transport of staff.
Superior mobility being the prominent feature of the cyclist soldier
enables him to mobilise and to concentrate very quickly. In coast work
their principal duties are for harass and delay a landing or an advance
inland, if not to prevent it, and to gain time, so valuable for the
general mobilisation. No more favourable opportunity for this is likely
to occur than if an enemy crowded in boats were opposed by some hundreds
of riflemen posted under cover near a shore line. To take full advantage
of this opportunity it is the duty of cyclist battalions to have a
thorough knowledge of the coastlines allotted to them, which can only be
gained by constant study of them and local training annually. I speak
only of, experience gained in the county of Norfolk during the past
eight years. Chapters III and VII of “Cyclist Training” give general
ideas of this work. General Sir Arthur Wynne gave, the Norfolk cyclists
their first opportunity, of testing there powers of concentration to
oppose a landing. An attacking for' was represented by two gun boats.
Some 40 miles of coast was the defined object on which their attack
might be delivered at any point. The point of attack was discovered, and
the concentration of three quarters of the force of cyclists was
effected twenty minutes before the boats of the attacking force could
have got ashore. The movements and position of the cyclists were quite
unknown to those on board the gun boats.
For watching a coast line by night, I have, in consultation with local
Coastguards and fishermen, arrived at the conclusion that another system
should be adopted, details of which I had better not go into now. As
regards the tactical employment of cyclists and their use with cavalry,
I think the remarks of the lecturer are valuable as a guide to further
training. It is well to remember that the action of cyclists as a rule
is locally defensive. In 1904-1905, the cycle companies in Norfolk were
trained under mounted infantry officers, from which they derived great
benefit. I do not quite agree with the suggestion that the intervals and
distances on the march be decreased. The speed at which cyclists can
close up should counteract the disadvantages urged. Also with the larger
intervals, bodies of cyclists can move more safely and at a higher
speed. Referring to the comparative value of our Territorial soldiers to
that of foreign conscript soldiers, it is not in the ranks that the
balance lies against us, so much as in the superior discipline and
science of the commissioned and non - commissioned ranks. I believe the
motor cyclist for general purposes to be the best means in this country
for communication in the field. Whatever the training of, the cyclist
soldier is, it should essentially be framed to work in with that of all
other branches of ' the Service; but I maintain that the first and most
important duty for, which they have been called into existence, is on
the coast-to harass and delay an enemy, and so gain time for the
mobilisation of all for defence.
Captain A. H. TRAPMANN, in-reply, said:-Those who have addressed the
meeting have, I think, instead of criticising my lecture, rather
contented themselves with criticising the action of the General Staff in
,abolishing cyclist companies. I believe Major Johnson imputed to me
that I had induced the General Staff to do so. I plead: Not Guilty. As
there appears to be no member of the General Staff present who wishes to
defend them, I, having no brief for the General Staff, can therefore say
nothing. We must take the fact as we find it. I thoroughly agree with
all the speakers who have referred to the subject, and hope that in a
year or two we, shall have not only cyclist battalions, but cyclist
companies. A beginning had to he made somewhere, however, in the
Territorial Army, and if we have not got money for both, we must for the
present be content with the battalions. The General Staff thought they
had sufficient work to do for at any rate ten cyclist battalions. They
may, of course, be totally wrong - I do not know; but it is to be
presumed they had work for them, and they therefore created them. They
thought they had not got any work for cyclist companies at present, so
they have left them uncreated. As I say, it is not a question for me to
discuss at all. There is one other point I should like to draw attention
I should be extremely sorry if Colonel Romilly took my remarks as any
sort of criticism of the troops in his brigade. I think he could not
have heard me correctly, or that he misunderstood my meaning. The only
reference in the paper to the Inns of Court (who, by the way, are very
old comrades of ours), was with regard to the old 26th Middlesex; I said
that the 26th Middlesex were hot included in the C .I. V. Cyclist
Section, because that Cyclist Section was formed from the Inns of Court
V.R.C. I do not know how any aspersion upon the Inns of Court could be
read into that. I should think that, considering they were selected to
form the Cyclist Section of the C. I.V., it would hardly be possible to
do them a greater honour.
Colonel ROMILLY:-That, I may say, was meant for a joke.
Captain TRAPMANN :-As regards the question of tin-tacks, as my
commanding officer said, a trained cyclist can quite well ride on the
rims of the bicycle. That reduces his pace about two miles an hour, or,
if they are really scorching, about four miles an hour. You cannot
expect a man to do twenty miles an hour on flat rims. But a trained
cyclist does not merely mean that he is trained to scorch - he is
trained to do everything. There is one paragraph in "Infantry Training"
which refers to ground scouts. Cyclists also attend to these little
things. We have ground scouts as well as other things, and it is a
common thing for well-trained cyclists to have to deal with tin-tacks.
One of the men simply holds up his hand and says: “Ware tin - tacks.”
Colonel ROMILLY:-At night?
Captain TRAPMANN:-Yes; you can hear your tyre bursting at night as well
as in the daytime. Even when they are passing over broken glass you will
see the files moving off to the -right or to the left. I think it is
only fair to give cyclist battalions credit for having ground scouts
sufficiently trained to warn their comrades that tin-tacks have been
thrown on a certain section of the road. If the ground scouts of any
company I was in charge of told me that several tons of tin-tacks had
been strewn on a certain section of road, I should merely go through the
hedge and ride the next half mile on the fields, and come out on the
other side.
Colonel ROMILLY:-I said "every village," but it was said as a joke.
The CHAIRMAN (Brigadier-General Sir H. S. Rawlinson, Bart., C.V.O.,
C.B. :-It rests with me to sum up the very interesting discussion we
have had this afternoon, and perhaps to some extent to pour a little oil
upon the troubled waters. I do not know that I am very competent to deal
with the subject of cycling, though I learned to ride a bicycle a great
many years ago, I think in 1875, when I was a boy at Eton, and I have
ridden a good many thousand miles since then. Perhaps I am not quite,
qualified to be considered a really "trained soldier cyclist," but I at
the same time I have seen a certain amount of cycling work, and various
points have been raised to - day with which I cannot thoroughly agree.
The discussion has turned mainly on the question as to whether cyclists
of the Territorial Army should be trained by battalions or by companies.
The organisation which the General Staff have laid down as most suitable
at the present time is that of battalions, and I think they have done so
for a specific purpose. The Territorial Army, as created by Mr. Haldane,
has been initiated for home defence, and I gather that these cyclist
battalions have been formed at certain selected centres for the purpose
of moving rapidly to dangerous points upon the coast, with a view to
defending those points at the very earliest possible moment in cast of
danger. I know I am right in saying that that is the reason the cyclists
of the Territorial Army have, for the present, been organised into
battalions. I do not say that that is necessarily the best arrangement,
because from the experience I have had in working a brigade of infantry,
I look upon a limited number of cyclists with the brigade as
indispensable. I am not sure that a company is not perhaps too many, but
I am sure that, in so far as the brigade organisation goes and we are
all organised into brigades - a certain number of cyclists are
absolutely necessary as the eyes and ears of that force. I would
especially lay stress upon what fell, I think, from Major Johnson, that
the cyclist however enthusiastic he may be – and really if the cyclist
is to do all the lecturer claims for him he must be Admirable Crichton –
however expert he may be, both in fighting, shooting, reconnoitring, and
everything else, he must recognise that he is merely an auxiliary either
to the infantry of the cavalry. Both from a tactical and organisation
point of view the cyclist cannot be a forth arm. The infantry is the
backbone of a military force. It is the infantry that wins your battles.
The artillery is there to help the infantry, the cavalry is there to
protect the infantry and obtain all the information possible; but it is
your infantry, and your infantry alone, that wins decisive success, and
the cyclist as an assistant to that infantry is certainly a very
valuable adjunct. There is one small point which curiously enough has
not been brought out with regard to the cycle, and that is that the
cycle - does not eat. For this reason the cycle is particularly useful
in over sea expeditions, especially with a force that has to land on an
open beach, where horses cannot be put ashore, and where the supply of
grain for animals is limited. In such cases cyclists would have to take
the place of mounted troops, and might be of very great value. It is
getting late, so I will not refer to several other points to which I
should have liked to call attention, except this last one. It has been
suggested that cyclists may take the place of outposts. I should be very
sorry indeed in war to trust to a few standing patrols of cyclists
pushed out at long distances in front of a camp or bivouac. I know too
well how liable standing patrols are to surprise, .and in the event of
surprise how impossible it is for anyone, even a motor cyclist, as the
lecturer suggested, to get away and give the alarm. If once one of those
standing patrols is surrounded and captured-and this is by no means a
difficult operation-there is nothing to prevent the enemy walking
straight into your camp without any notice at all. Hence I strongly
deprecate their use instead of outposts, though they may be of great use
particularly at night as message-carriers and for reconnaissance. I
would like, on your behalf, to propose a vote of thanks to Captain
Trapmann for his extremely interesting and very elaborate lecture.