Fred Papworth.                                      

. Papworth is a common name around Huntingdonshire - and there are several references to F or Fred as men in the HCB.  Various sources where the name appears do not have any connecting data such as Army numbers so it is not possible to say if they are the same men.  Research is ongoing to try to see if any links can be found.
. Limited data is known on Pte Fred Papworth he served in the A Company of the 2/1st Battalion HCB before being transferred into the Bedfordshire Regt. His HCB number and Beds Regt. no. were the same 290328.

One source indicates that he may well have been promoted to a Corporal.

. (In Battalion orders no. 242 part 2 raised at 6.00 pm, Vine Cottage, Chapel St. Leonards, by Lieut. Col. M. D. Barkley, 2.1 H.C.B. on 13 October 1917, he was granted proficiency pay class 1 instead of class 2. This was from 26/6/1917 and at the time he was in A company.
. Research in local papers has also located a Fred Papworth stated as being in the 1/1st HCB.  He enlisted at Ramsey and gave his address as Ramsey St. Marys - he was a HCB man by November 1914.  It is not known if these two men are one and the same.

If you can help with any data on this Huntingdonshire Cyclist please contact me at

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