A. E. Nicholls.

. Local newspaper entries indicate that by 17th October 1914 Private A. E. Nicholls had been promoted to the rank of Sergeant at the time it was indicated that he was serving in G Company.

News has just been received that and Gunner A. E. Nicholls, R. G. A. , eldest son of Mrs. A. Nicholls, 147, Fletton Avenue, Old Fletton, Peterborough is in hospital at Glasgow, suffering from my trench fever. Gunner Nicholls had been in France about three months, and had seen heavy fighting with his battery.   The gallant soldier, after receiving his discharge from the 1/ 1st  Hunts. Cyclist Battalion in October 1915, rejoined the colours in July, 1917, an after training for some time at Dover, proceeded to France in July, 1918.

Another brother, Corporal H. Nicholls, London Regiment, after being missing for over twelve months, is now officially reported killed.

 Another and last brother, Percy Nicholls, is now discharged from the Army, after losing his left leg on the Somme in August 1916.

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If you can help with any data on this Huntingdonshire Cyclist please contact me at huntscycles@btinternet.com

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