Kenneth Hunnybun D. S. O.
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From a paper dated
4/8/1914 - Sword Replaces Pen. = Mr. K. Hunnybun, who is a Lieutenant in the Hunts.
Cyclist Battalion, holds the office of clerk to the Huntingdon Borough
Bench and clerk to the Huntingdon Rural District Council.
He is serving with the Battalion.
On Saturday there was no meeting of the Huntingdon Rural District
Council, most of the members being too busy with the harvest and war
Local papers of the 17/8/17 indicate that Captain K. Hunnybun, of Huntingdon, has proceeded overseas Local papers indicate on 28/9/1917 that Capt. K. Hunnybun has been gazetted major of the Cyclist battalion, with precedence from June 1st. 1916.
He was one of two sons of Edward Walter Hunnybun, who
was a Huntingdon solicitor (Hunnybun & Sons).
Kenneth Hunnybun DSO (1887-1972). Also a Huntingdon solicitor in the same family firm. He later joined the Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Local
papers indicate that by the 27/5/1916 = Captain K. Hunnybun has been staying at Huntingdon on short
leave from the Cyclists. Local
papers indicate that by 8/6/1917
= Captain Kenneth Hunnybun, Hunts. Cyclist Battalion, and Mrs. Hunnybun
have received many congratulations on the birth of a son. He
held the office of Clerk of Huntingdon Borough Bench & Clerk to
Huntingdon Rural District Council. Local papers indicate that by the 15/9/1917 = Capt. K. Hunnybun has been gazetted Major of the Cyclist Battn., with precedence from June 1st, 1916. Local
papers indicate that by the 28/6/16 Local
papers indicate by the 11/8/1916
= Marriage of Capt. K. Hunnybun. The
village of Skelton, near York, was en fete on Monday on the occasion of
the marriage of Miss Charlotte Emily Juliet Williams, eldest daughter of
the Rector, the Rev. H. A. Williams, M.A., and niece of Major Williams
Hepworth, of Midford Castle, Bath, and Lord of the Manor of Skelton, to
Captain Kenneth Hunnybun, son of Mr. & Mrs. E. W. Hunnybun, of
Huntingdon. The school
children had holiday, and the village was gaily decorated with flags and
bunting, while the beautiful 13th century church,
with many features not unlike the transepts of York Minster, was
filled to overflowing with the parishioners and relatives and friends of
the bride and bridegroom. Both
families have rendered signal service to the state.
The bride's father was for many years chaplain to the Forces in
India, and his brothers and sons have almost without exception served or
are serving, in one or the other of the services.
The bridegroom has already done "his bit," for he was
invalided home from the front some months ago, and is now almost
recovered, anxious, to return to the fighting line.
His brothers, too, all hold his Majesty's commission.
It was a military wedding, but it was also something more than
this. It was a pretty
old-fashioned wedding, in an old world setting of ancient trees and
village green and quaint cottages round the old church and Manor house.
The church, which is known to many as St. Giles' and to others as
All Saints, had been charmingly decorated with blue ceadnothus and white
carnations by the Hon. Mrs. Tew, sister of Lord Hawke, assisted by the
village children, while here and there were imposing palms and beautiful
hot house plants sent by Mrs. Bindloss, of Skelton Hall.
The bride, who was given away by her uncle, Mr. George Maudsley
Williams, C.S.I. (retired), wore a gown of Limerick lace, over white
taffeta, trimmed with sprays of orange blossom and white heather, and a
tulle veil over a wreath of orange blossom and white heather.
She carried a bouquet of white roses and heather, the gift of the
bridegroom, and her only ornament was a beautiful diamond and sapphire
necklace, the gift of her elder brother, Mr. Gilbert Hepworth Williams,
Ministry of Justice, Cairo,
and Mrs. Williams. She was attended by her sister, Miss Mysie Williams,
Miss Ursula Knowles, daughter of the Rev. K. D. Knowles,
and the Misses Phyllis and Kathleen Tew, the little twin children
of the Hon. Mrs. Tew, and
Mr. E. G. Tew, of the Moorlands, York.
These juvenile bridesmaids made a pretty group, dressed as they
were in simple white muslin gowns with pale blue sashes.
Instead of hats they wore snoods of forget-me-nots and sapphire and
pearl brooches, the gifts of the bridegroom.
The bouquets they carried, of sweet peas and carnations , were also
a gift of the bridegroom. The
bride's mother was attired in a lovely gown of heliotrope silk,
with a hat to match, relieved with ostrich feathers, and she
carried a bouquet of Malmaison carnations.
The bridegroom, who holds a commission in the Huntingdonshire
Cyclist Battalion, had as best man a brother officer, Captain L. Day.
The father of the bride, Rev.
H. A. Williams, officiated, and was assisted by the Rev. K. D.
Knowles, Chaplain to the Hunts. Cyclist
Battalion and Rector of Brampton, Hunts. (who gave the address), and the
Rev. H. B. Drew, vicar of Sutton-in-the-Forrest, York.
The service was fully choral, the hymns being “Thine forever,”
”O perfect love,” and “How welcome was the call”; and the
voluntaries played by the organist, Mr.
Mewis, “Salut d'Amour,” and the wedding marches were Mendelssohn's and
Wagner's “Lohengrin.” As
they left the Church the bride and bridegroom passed under an arch of
swords of officers of his battalion, while the village children lined the
path, and strewed flowers in their way.
The villagers also had a share in the proceedings at this stage,
for they showered confetti and rice upon the happy couple without stint.
The officers who formed the guard of honour were :
Col. Herbert, Major Berkeley, Captain W. Hunnybun, Captain Warwick,
Captain Laurence, Capt. Mellows, Capt. Garrood, Lieut. Dymoke, Lieut.
Mellows, and Lieut. Martin Hunnybun.
A reception was subsequently held by Mrs. Williams, in the Manor
House, which was attended by the relatives and friends of the bride and
bridegroom, and practically all the villagers.
Before the reception the bride and bridegroom received the
congratulations of the villagers at the gates of the Manor House, and
during the reception a merry peal was rung upon the church bells.
Shortly after four o'clock the newly-married couple left by motor
car - to which the bridegroom's brother officers had affixed a pair of old
slippers - for York railway station, where they entrained for Pangbourne,
where the honeymoon is to be spent. The
bride's traveling dress was of blue silk poplin with hat to match.
In the evening sports were held, and towards dusk when the men folk
of the village had finished their tasks in the fields, old-time rural
capers were indulged in. The
whole of the villagers were entertained to tea and each had a piece of the
mammoth bridecake. Local papers indicate by the 9/6/17 = Captain Kenneth Hunnybun, Hunts. Cyclist Battalion, and Mrs. Hunnybun have received many congratulations on the birth of a son. 7/8/14 - Good - Bye - Territorials leave Huntingdon. Since the beginning of the week the headquarters of the Hunts Cyclist Territorials at Huntingdon has been seen of the greatest activity, and many recruits were accepted. The whole of the two Huntingdon companies were paraded on Tuesday evening, and again on Wednesday previous to the church parade. Further equipment, including trenching tools - a sort of combination of small pick and spade - was issued, and the whole of the men and their equipment were carefully inspected. Early this (Thursday) morning they were paraded and Marched to the Huntingdon Great North Region Station, ready for conveyance to their appointed station. Soon after 8.00 the railway station was surrounded by a large crowd. The Earl of Sandwich, in uniform, arrived by motor, and Mrs. Howard Coote and party were present in their car and Mrs. Barkley had also driven to the station. At 8:30 the train arrived, partly filled by the St. Neots contingent, under Lt. K. Hunnybun. The engine drew out and coupled on to the luggage vans standing in the dock and these were backed onto the front of the train. Meanwhile the two Huntingdon companies had arrived singing loudly and had been welcomed by cheering from the crowd. Safely in the trying the greater part of the "terriers" removed their coats, while at least two heads were hanging out of each open window and other faces were pressed against the glass. The shunting of the luggage was not yet complete and the interval was spent in the singing of "are we downhearted?" And popular songs learnt at Skegness during the recent camp and the shouting of "good - byes" to relatives and friends, who were either lining the railings of the up platform, or standing on the down platform at the carriage doors. At 8:40, when the train began to move, handkerchiefs were waved from the windows and both soldiers and crowd re doubled their cheers, which were continued until last of the train had passed under the bridge. The officers in charge were Captains M. Barkley, and A. R. Lowe, and Lieuts. J. M. S. Gardner, while Captain Cook joined the battalion later. 1/1/1915 = Archibald Cocks who was sentenced for having a wireless apparatus in his possession at Filey without authority, has been released after serving a small portion of his sentence. Cocks was tracked down by Lieut. Hunnybun, of the Hunts. Cyclist Battalion. |
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09/04/2012 |
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